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Millie: it's Noah

Sophia: knew it

Finn: lammmmee

Jack: it's Finn isn't it

Millie: nO

Noah: aw I'm so flattered best friend

Millie is typing...

Millie: yea

Sadie: so not me? Lol

➳ ➳ ➳

Jack: well that was boring

Gaten: not wat I was expecting but ok

Caleb: ...

Sophia: no truth shaming

Wyatt: Millie who's next

Millie: Finn

Finn: dAre

Jack: Millie read ur texTs


Sophia: exposed

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Sophia: exposed

Finn: you could just ask ;)

Jeremy: this chat is wild

Millie: show us the last 3 photos you screenshotted

Finn: yikes aight

Finn: yikes aight

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Jack: Millie wtf

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Jack: Millie wtf


Noah: get over me Finn gosh 😬😂😂

Jack: I'm hurt

Finn: still luv u bb

Jack: fuck oFf

➳ ➳ ➳

Yikes smh .. going to start work now

-kat 9/18/17 @ 11:56 am

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