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1 year later

I paced up and down the corridor . The soles of my shoes rubbing against the tiled floor . The sound of heavy breathing in the air . Jason , Piper and Hazel were sitting on the waiting room chairs , their heads down. 

Jason walked towards me . He put his hand on my shoulder . 'Annabeth is going to be fine . I mean , its annabeth ! '

I smiled 'Everythings going to be fine ..'

Piper joined in . 'She's going to be fine .. so is the baby .'

Only a couple of months ago we had found out that Annabeth was pregnant . No one knew what gender the baby was . We wanted to wait and find out .

There was the quick patter of feet . I turned my head . Leo came running down the corridor , Frank behind him , sweat beading on his forehead , panting heavily .

He paused 'We made .. it as fast.. as we could . ' He said , panting in between words .

Before I could say anything , the door opened and a nurse walked out .

She smiled and brushed a lock of brown hair off her clipboard . 'You may see her now Mr.Jackson . ' She looked at Jason ,Piper , Hazel , Leo and Frank . 'You may visit afterwards but for now .. parents only . ' She nodded and left .

I took a deep breath before pushing the door open .

Annabeth was sat on the bed . The sun shining through the window made her golden locks shine . Her eyes lit up when she saw me and she smiled .

I sat on the bed beside her . My fingers intertwined with hers . 'How is the baby ?' I asked smiling .

She looked up , her grey eyes glowing , eyebrow lifted up . 'I think you mean babies .'

I knit my eyebrows 'What ?'

She chuckled ' Still a seaweed brain .. twins Percy .. we had twins . '

She led me to a cot where two girls were laid . Each with a tuft of hair sticking out , one blonde , the other with dark brown hair . They opened their eyes  , staring up , and giggled . The one with blonde hair had sea green eyes , and the other had grey eyes .

I smiled , kissing Annabeths forehead 'As beautiful as their mother .'

I leaned in 'Welcome to the world Bianca , Zoe Jackson .'

They both smiled and giggled , their eyes shining brightly .

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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Promises (A Percabeth Fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang