Hogwarts reunion

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"Hermione! HERMIONE WAIT!" I stopped my legs acing from running, tears streaming down my face. I turn to look at him his stormy grey eyes meeting mine. "We can do this, well move away just you and I no one will know. We know what we share and now that your pregnant this just proves we were meant to be. I know your scared but I'll never leave you ever, well go back to your appartnent and pack all your belongings and I'll pack mine at the manor and then well leave. I promise everything will be fine." He said and I knew he was telling the truth, everything would be fine.

"Okay Draco let's go." I smiled a watery smile at him and took his hand as we apparated to my apartment.


That was just the prologue the actual story itself is set 15 years later please read and review I hope you like it :)

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