Sticks and Stones (Archie x Reader)

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"Can you do a Archie x reader where she's dating him and she sees him get into a fight with Reggie at school and the teachers aren't allowing kids to stop the fight so all the reader can do is watch? (Sorry if it's confusing I'm crap)" –Anonymous

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"Can you do a Archie x reader where she's dating him and she sees him get into a fight with Reggie at school and the teachers aren't allowing kids to stop the fight so all the reader can do is watch? (Sorry if it's confusing I'm crap)" –Anonymous

When you started dating Archie Andrews, people were skeptical, to say the least.

You were always the quiet girl. With your nose buried in a book and little cares to give towards appearances, you would have won the Riverdale High #1 Loner Award, if not for a certain Jughead Jones. But Archie saw something beautiful in that, and you saw beauty in Archie too. Soft spoken conversations in the hallways and lounge turned to walks home and hand-holding, until he shyly asked you to go steady with him one day. You couldn't have been happier.

The students of Riverdale were shocked. They'd always foreseen Archie ending up with the town sweetheart, Betty, or even the dark beauty, Veronica. But you? I mean... okay.

You never let the weird glances or whispered comments get to you. Being the loner you were, you were used to your share of bullying. The only person's opinion you cared about was Archie's. The students took great care in never showing their disapproval for you in front of the redhead. They knew Archie's protective nature, and didn't want to see the normally sweet and courageous boy's dark side.

Reggie Mantle, angered over his loss of the quarterback title to his biggest rival, had no qualms over seeing what Archie could do.

You were reading in the student lounge when a tall shadow fell over you. You turned around with a smile, expecting it to be your boyfriend. Instead, it was Reggie. Your expression soured.

"Well isn't it Riverdale's swamp queen herself?" Reggie said with a sneer.

You quirked an eyebrow. "That would be me. Now don't make me send my crocodiles after you. They love fresh meat." You gave him a joking smile.

Reggie's face reddened. "You know, you're lucky you have the dumbass protecting you 24/7. Do you know how much everyone here hates you?"

You shut your book, setting it aside. "No I don't, what a sad surprise. Tell me more." You suppressed a giggle. "If you know that many words, that is."

Reggie scowled at you. "I don't know why Archie would go out with such a weird bitch like you. You're ugly and dumb and I bet he's just going out with you because he has a weird fetish or something."

"What was that?"

The room silenced. Those at the foosball table stopped to watch. Someone's finger hovered over the buttons on the vending machine. Jughead, Betty, and Veronica, who were chatting across the room, stared at you.

Reggie turned, trying to identify the speaker. Behind him, face stony, was Archibald Andrews himself.

"Say it again, Mantle." Archie's nostril's flared, hands in fists.

Reggie, already on edge from the recent quarterback announcement, smiled at Archie in challenge. "Your girlfriend's a weirdo, Andrews." An idea popped in his head. "Or maybe... it's you that's the weirdo." Reggie turned back to you. "I bet there's a killer body under all those clothes. Let me show you what you're missing out by being with that dumbass."

Archie then grabbed Reggie by the hair, slamming a fist into his nose.

Everyone gasped, gathering around to see. Reggie pulled Archie down with him, hitting back. They rolled around on the carpet, pummeling each other like the punching bags they used for football practice.

You pressed your hands to your mouth. "Archie! Stop!" You said tearfully. Your once gentle giant was a cold mercenary.

You stepped towards the boys, trying to get between them, but you felt a tug on your backpack strap. It was one of the teachers.

"Don't escalate the situation," the teacher said calmly. "We don't want this getting worse than it already is."

You stared at him in confusion. The only thing that would make this worse is allowing them to kill each other.

At this point, Reggie had gotten the upper hand, straddling Archie and pounding his face in. You started to cry, seeing your boyfriend hurt like this.

Eventually, a stronger and larger teacher entered the room and forced the boys to separate, taking them to the principal's office.

You waiting outside the office anxiously, long after everyone else had gone home. You wished you hadn't egged Reggie on like that. You hoped this wouldn't go on Archie's permanent record, or hurt his football career, or worse.

Reggie left the principal's office, holding an ice pack to his swollen eye.

He averted your gaze. "...I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

You sighed, the exchange between you two almost completely forgotten. "It's fine, Reg. Just stay away from my boyfriend from now on, okay?" You smiled, trying to lighten the situation. "I need his pretty face."

Surprisingly, Reggie smiled back. "No promises. And I've seen prettier faces." He winked, and you laughed. Maybe despite all his testosterone and ego, Reggie Mantle was actually a good guy.

Archie left the principal's office, staring between the two of you in terse confusion.

"Well, I gotta go," Reggie said. "Fuck you, Andrews," he said with a grin.

"Fuck you, Mantle," Andrews replied, suppressing a grin of his own.

You walked down the hallway hand in hand with Archie, leaning into his warmth.

"I'm sorry you got in trouble," you whispered.

"It's just a couple detentions and an essay about the wrongfulness of violence," Archie said with a laugh. "It's you I'm worried about." His expression fell. "I didn't know everyone was saying that stuff about you."

You shrugged. "Sticks and stones, right?"

He stopped, taking your hands in his. "I don't want people to be mean to you because you're with me, (Y/N). It's not worth it. If you want to break up, I understand."

To his shock, you burst out laughing.

"Archie, sticks and stones!" You stood on your tip toes, pressing your lips to his with a smile. "Every time you tell me I'm beautiful cancels out 1,000 times anyone has ever called me ugly. I don't care about what other people think. Only what you think."

Archie smiled. "Well I think I love you."

You rolled your eyes, tugging him along like a lovesick puppy. "Well I love you too."

"Where are we going?" Archie asked, being pulled along in your grasp.

"Archie, that was hot back there," you said. "And I'm turned on. What are you gonna do about that?"

Archie grinned at your challenge, ready to get physical once more.

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