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The morning was quiet; normal--that was a pleasant change.  The Special Operations Squad all sat around the table, eating their morning oats, shoving each other and laughing.

Erd ran a hand through his hair, letting out a faint grunt. He rested his chin on the table much like a puppy. "Are you going to clean out the stalls today, Mike?" he asked

"Nope. Your turn."

"I'll get it twice next time."

"Your turn."

Erd rolled his eyes, bringing his bowl to the kitchen. Silence hung between Gunther, Mike, and Hanji, who were the only ones left at the table. Levi was feeding his horse, and Petra was more than likely hiding behind some bush watching him.

"It's pretty outside," Hanji commented between chews.

"Yep," Gunther replied.

Her attempt at small talk quickly spoiled. Therefore she made her way out as well, and as she presumed, Levi was outside pat-pat-patting away at his horse. She took a seat on a rather oddly placed stack of planks.

"Will her leg be fit enough to go out on, soon?" She asked.

The Lance Corporal looked up. "Yeah."

Hanji stood, rubbing at the horse's nose. "She has a colt, does she not? I thought you said something about that earlier."

"Two, actually. "

"Ah. Did you still ride her when she was pregnant?"

Levi raised a brow. "If you were a man, would you still ride your woman when she was pregnant?"

Hanji choked on her tea. "Now, that has nothing to do with horses--or I'd hope not."

"It's the same deal, though. Would that not just feel wrong and uncomfortable?"

"Not unless you were really kinky."

Levi scoffed.

"So you rode another while she was breeding and whatnot?"

"If you were a man, would you ride another while your primary was breeding?"

"I guess that depends on pr--that has absolutely nothing to do with horses."

Levi managed a smile. "I know."

"Funny deal, though.  Y'know the rate of pregnancy has gone up in the Survey Corps?"

"I do. Dumb asses are going to get themselves expelled, killed, or both. It blows my mind how ignorant so many of them are that having sex in camp can lead to a lot of stupid, preventable, unnecessary things."

"Not ignorant. Just careless."

"That more so, but I suppose I can relate on some levels."

"You? Relate? I'd like to hear this."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Well, they're not exactly used to being retrained on that subject. For some of them, working the street corner was full-time, and the ones that weren't--their hormones are still ablaze, too. Some high-ranking men and women still do it, too. It's stupid really, but I guess I really don't understand on that level. It's been, what.. six years? Since the last time I've seen a woman under her clothes."

Hanji let out a honk. "Seven for me, but yeah, I see what you're saying."

"It's still extremely stupid, though."

"It is."

Hanji sipped her tea. She watched the horses clobber and huff, nibbling at her knuckles.

"..But it's really nice outside. Glad weather like this is finally coming around again."

"it's better than freezing our asses off."

Hanji pursed her lips. "Ah, sure it is."

"Well, I can't exactly linger about, participating in your small talk all day. Go take a hot bath or something, don't women like hot baths? No? Yes?"

"You really don't know a damn thing about women, do you?" Hanji promped, spinning around to leave. Her ponytail whipped the back of her neck timingly.

"No. No I don't." This was murmered as she came out of view, but little did Levi know, Hanji heard it just fine. She laughed to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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