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Hello guys. It's been a long time since I updated this story. I kinda feel bad about that. I stopped updating because I cannot think of "how do I make this story great" and I am really confused with my plot. So, do you want me to continue this story? Because if you wanted to, I'll continue it for you. I am really sorry.

And I am currently working with a new story right now. And this story has sure plot and ending. So if you wanna check it out, the title is Chuseok 추석. It is also a fanfic. A fanfic of my husband (XD) Jeon Jungkook♥. Please support my new story. I worked hard for this story, so please read it. Thank you!!♥♥

Truly yours,

How did it turned like this? ▶k.samuelWhere stories live. Discover now