Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.

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Raina's P.O.V

As the lift's door fell open the girl ran out, instantly falling to the ground; spreading her arms out and hugging my living room floor. I chuckled, you can't take that girl anywhere. "Welcome to my home my dear, now get off the dirty floor and lay on the couch while I will make us tea," I said while taking off my boots and heading to the kitchen.

I started getting the tea cups from the high cupboard, when my hand landed on something odd, confused I grabbed the old wooden stool, that sat next to the fire were the kettle was boiling.

Setting the stool down; stepping up to see something wrapped in a ratty old rag, curious I stepped down and carefully started to unrolled the thing, when something old slid into the centre of my hand.

A wooden flute.

I gasped, feeling my knees buckle beneath me as I fell, but quickly grabbing the wooden table for support. My heart was pumping, knees shaking, as a tear came down my cheek.

This was Analee's.

More tears started to fall as a weak smile appeared on my face, sitting myself in a chair as I replayed the memory like it was yesterday


"Mamma?" I heard come from the willow tree behind me, I quickly put the rest of the freshly picked mushrooms for tonight's dinner in my apron pocket, wiping my dirty hands on my dress before going over to the willow tree.

Looking up, I saw a small elf with snowy white that hung loosely down her back. Her loving dark green eyes staring down at me with a delightful smile, as the evening sun shone in the gaps of the tree, making my child's snowy hair go golden like. "Mamma, what would it be like to fly?" She questioned with a dazed expression, I quietly chuckled, " I don't know Analee, what would it be like to fly?" I answered, climbing onto a branch to get a better view of her.

"I think it would be incredible, being able to go so high, feel the wind go, whoosh whoo against you and you could even climb the biggest tree in the world," she said in an adorable voice, with a big toothy grin.

She then looked down and started to fiddle something. I looked to see the sun setting, we better get going soon, and it will be dark soon. I looked back at my daughter and said "Hey sweetie, I know you would love to stay in your favourite tree of yours, but we have to go home."

I heard Analee whine "OHHH do we have too?" still fiddling at whatever she had, not looking at me or even moving from her spot at all. I sighed, why I had to have a stubborn child.

Then I an idea, "Oh Analee, I have a crumble cooking at home which is going to burn if we don't get there" I teased, a smirk appeared across my face when Analee sharply looked at me when "Crumble" was said.

She quickly stood up, using the trunk for support, and started to climb down. Because of her small body it took longer to grab the branches. Once she was in my reach I swiftly grabbed her from behind, making Analee squeal in surprise. I brought her close to me and gave her a big kiss on her cheek. Analee scrunched her nose in disgust, wiping her cheek, all I did was laugh.

As I was walking through the forest with a sleepy Analee on my hip, I felt something digging into my thigh, making it uncomfortable walking. I looked at the child that was half asleep on my shoulder, I gently shook her, causing her to grumble. She looked at me giving her my attention, that's when I said, "Analee, what have you got in her pocket?" raising an eyebrow.

She gave me satisfied look and mumbled, "I saw Mr Wistre making one, so I tried to make one as well," she said, dropping something in my other hand.

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