Unprofessional | Eren x Levi

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I was sitting in Armin's living room with Jean and Mikasa. We've been playing truth-or-dare for a minimum of 2 hours now. The bottle that had just been spun by Armin lands on me.

"Eren, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I say automatically.

"Ok... Hmm." Armin pounders about it. "Hmmm.... Ok! I dare you to go to the mall with me. Right now with everyone." He had a little smug grin on his face.

"Pfft- Armin I do that anyway-" he cuts me off.

"BUT-" he interrupts, "You have to go dressed like a girl. And then see how many dudes will hit on you. But if they flirt, you have to flirt back." Armin said while crossing his arms.

"You shit." I say. "I guess I have no choice, then." Armin nods and motions for Mikasa. She pulls me away and walks into Armin's sister's, Annie's, room.

"Annie will surely understand." Mikasa said in a way that made me shiver. She pulls some clothes from the drawers and closet and pushed them into my arms before violently pushing me into the bathroom. I very slowly and reluctantly got dressed into the outfit Mikasa picked and examined myself. I did look like a girl. A very very very Tsundere girl. She put me in a blue mini-skirt. I had to wear Annie's panties, too. It's all kind of gross. I also had on a white business-looking blazer, black knee-socks and a pair of black vans that I already had on. I didn't want to go out.

"Eren, open up!" Mikasa shouted from the opposite side of the door.

"Don't wanna!" I shout back. It goes silent and then there's a big thump on the door, like someone just rammed into ii--oh shit.

"JEGUS! Fine! I get it, ok!" I open the door and peak out to see all three of them waiting. Mikasa opens the door all the way and examined me.

"Alright lets go." On the way there, I sat in the back with Armin.

"Oh and Eren," Mikasa says, "You have to sound like a girl too. Like a woman, can you handle it?" I nod.

"Of course." I say in the most womanly-voice I could do. The whole car goes silent.

"Maybe not that womanly..." Mikasa corrected.

"Of course." I say, a bit higher.

"There we go." Mikasa praised. I unbuckle and scoot closer to Armin. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and I placed one hand on his chest as I whispered in his ear.

"Mmm, I'll get you, midget." I say in my woman voice. His face flushes and I rub my hand down his chest. His face flushes brighter. I laugh loudly.

"Well, that worked." I giggle out in small bits. I looked back at Armin and he looks pissed. Oh well~ I shrug.

We arrived about two minutes later, and I walk out and into the mall. I stretch my arms, lifting up my arms and showing my midriff, I see some of the teenage boys look my way and bite their lips and whisper something to the person next to them, Mikasa pulls me aside and into the girls bathroom, where she put something on my face. Makeup? Oh hell no. I fight against her grip to no avail and wait for her to finish. She eventually does and I'm not even recognizable as male anymore. I sigh and walk out, defeated. I look up just to see Jean and Armin in amazement.

"What?" I say in my teen-adolescent-male voice. Jean gasps.

"Holy shit, it's Eren." He starts Laughing as I spun my leg up and kick him in the face.

"Pst, Eren," Armin says. "You flashed." I go stiff as I turn to the crowd of reddening-males. I turn to them.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I said, with my hand on my hip and the coldest glare I could do. They all sweat drop and look away. I walk down to the food court because some people I called friends forgot to feed me. I walk there only to be deserted at my own table. I call Mikasa.

Unprofessional | Eren x LeviWhere stories live. Discover now