Chapter 2

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Heylo, to those reading this right now! BUT I doubt your actually reading this for your own entertainment... you're probably reading this for a read for read or something so I'll gladly shut up so you can read! Bye!


Chapter 2:

Nicole and Alex walked into the small store, hoping to find something decent for Alex to wear on his date. They had gone to other stores in the mall but Nicole didn't seem to like any of the tops they had there. It was either too green, too dirty, too big, too small or just looked plain ugly. The two strode over to a rack of clothing.

"Hmm... How about this one?" Nicole asked, raising a t-shirt that said Clearly, I have made some bad decisions up to Alex's chest, examining how it looked.

Alex pondered over it, "It's okay, I guess. Let's look some more."

Nicole just shrugged, "Sure." She ran over to another rack of clothes, leaving Alex hanging.

Nicole kept taking hangers of shirts off the rack and putting them back on. For every single one, she'd have something to say. Either 'too green', 'too sparkly' or 'too dirty'. There wasn't one that wouldn't catch Nicole's critic gaze.

She held up a green t-shirt that said Kiss me, I'm Irish, "Nope, I doubt Alex's Irish," Nicole turned around to face Alex who was looking at a shirt with a guy wearing headphones, dancing while holding a chiken drum stick, "Hey, Alex! Are you Irish?"

"Like a quarter! Why?" He yelled back.

Nicole didn't respond, she just placed the hanger with the Kiss me, I'm Irish t-shirt on the rack and picked up a new one. It was a long-sleeved shirrt that had a purple smiley face with fangs on the front and the words Careful, I bite! on the back. Chuckling, Nicole placed it back. There were other shirts that were even sillier but she dicided to leave them. 

Alex and Nicole walked side by side out of the small store. As they passed a couple more stores, Nicole suddenly beamed, "Let's go to Hollister!"

"Sure, come on." Alex grabbed onto Nicole's arm, making a complete U-turn to the direction of the store.

After looking through many shirts, Alex settled on a few Hollister T-shirts, a Abercrombie sweater and some other tops from Banana Republic. Nicole had dragged Alex to other shops, mostly clothing stores but also a book store.

"Let's go, they said they'd meet us at Wendy's when we're done!" Alex beckoned her.


"There they are!" Nicole raced past Alex--who was carrying several bags in his hands and looked like he was about to collapse--towards the small table where Nathan, Seth, Kyle and Cale sat.

"S'up?" Cale asked.

"The ceiling, duh!" Nicole replied.

Rolling his eyes, Cale got up to help Alex with the many bags in his hands, "Whatever."

Nicole exchanged greetings with Kyle and Nathan and sat down beside Nathan who was munching on some fries. Seth, however, was pigging out on an ice-cream cone. Nicole snickered when he looked up from his creamy delicousness. Seths face was covered in white, making him look like he had a beard.

"Hey there, Grandpa." Nicole snickered, gesturing to his face, "Anyway, I was thinking... We go somewhere, today." she said once Alex and Cale were sat down and listening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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