Chapter 2

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I closed my book and slipped it back in my bag. I looked over at Jax who was eating some chips with Daniel and watching TV. It was some criminal show. Rylee was laying on the couch next to them staring at her phone.

My phone buzzed and Rylee sat up quickly. "Is that Jordan?" She asked. I looked at the notification. "No." I sighed. "He's not going to text you." Daniel implies. "Oh shut up Dan. He will eventually." Rylee argues. "If eventually means in 20 years then yeah." He rolls his eyes, throwing a chip at Rylee. She pushes the chip off herself. "Maybe you could just text him first." Jax suggests. Everyone gets quiet. I look around and shrug. "I guess so."

I unlock my phone as Jax and Daniel tease Rylee. I go into the chat with Jordan and send a simple, "hey".

Rylee perks up as I put my phone down. "What did you send?" She questions. "I just said hey." I reply. She rolls her eyes. "No! You have to be more open!" She affirms. I shrug.

A few minutes later there is no response. Jax is in the kitchen getting more snacks while Daniel and Rylee argue about global warming or something.

"It's killing all the animals!" Rylee argues.

"Well it's not like it's going to change. Only the minority of the world really cares." Daniel assures.

Liam steps out of his room. "Can you guys like chill. I'm trying to listen to music." He declares. They both get quiet. "He started it." Rylee says, shrinking into her hoodie. I see a tint of pink on her cheeks. I'm pretty sure Rylee has a crush on my brother. I mean, I guess he would be considered 'hot' or something like that. A lot of girls think that but if you lived with him, you wouldn't think that. I mean, I can't lie, he gets a lot of girls for his looks but he rarely does any house work and is quite annoying sometimes.

I stood up and ran to Liam. I was short compared to him but I stood on my tiptoes and looked passed his shoulder. "Liam what are you doing?" I ask. "What? What are you doing?" He questioned. "There are no girls in there. If they arent here, you are usually out." I say.

"Well I decided to be a good son and follow our parents rules." He beams. "Yeah right." I say back. He rolls his eyes and his voice gets quieter. "She's coming soon." He says and closes the door.

He's more of the bad kid while I'm the goodie goodie. Apparently he's gotten drunk and has smoked before. I'm pretty sure he's also not a virgin but that's none of my business.

I go and sit down. And my mom walks in. "Oh hey Jax." She says to Jaxson who is pretty much looking through the cupboards, sighing. "Hey Mrs. Fletcher." He says politely. "I thought I told you to call me Avery." She says putting her hands to her hips. I laugh.

My mom greets everyone else and then asks if they want to stay for dinner. Daniel looks at the time. "Actually Mrs. Fletcher, I have to get going. My mom is expecting me soon. I'll see you later Leah." He says, waving. Jaxson follows him. Daniel is the only one in our group who can drive. I'm still underage to get my license. I'm 15 but Daniel and Rylee are 16.

Rylee gives me a hug and says goodbye. She whispers, "tell me if anything happens." I nod and she walks out of the door.

"So did you finish your homework?" My mom asks. I nod and grab my bag. "Just call me for dinner, alright?" I ask. "Of course." She replies and I walk to my room.

I close the door and flop down on my bed. For a little while I scrolled on Instagram and see Jordans posts. He's already following me on pretty much everything but of course he just added me on a messaging app.


I get up from the table after dinner and put my plate in the sink. "Leah, please don't stay up late tonight honey." My dad insists. "Okay. Why?" I ask. My dad looks at me. "I thought you wanted me to drop you off at school tomorrow so I can get you a coffee from Dunkins." He questions. "And I don't want to be late for work." He says, shifting in his seat. I nod and walk into the bathroom.

I get in the shower and stand there for a few moments, zoning out. For some reason, my mind turned to Jordan. Then I shook my head. He probably doesn't even care.


I got out of the shower and changed into a tank top and my Adidas pants and went into my room. It was cold in my room so I curled up under the blankets and then I heard the notification tone. My heart sank. Was that Jordan?

By now it was almost 10 at night. I grabbed my phone and stared at the screen.

Hey -Jordan


What's up? -J

Oh not much. Hbu?

I took a deep breath. I read somewhere that if a boy texts you back late at night, he only wants one thing. But, maybe not.

Just chilling. -J

I sure there for a minute. How do I respond to that?

Oh that's cool.

After a little while of awkward texting we suddenly get into a conversation that friends would have. We talked about school, people in our school, basic stuff. Then he turned the topic to crushes.

Oh. Do you like anyone btw? -J

I tense a little bit. Its not like I can just tell him.

Maybe :P

Who? -J

Well who do you like first?

Can't say :( -J

Then im not telling.

We continue with more conversations and then I look at the clock. It's one in the morning. Fuck.

Wow it's getting late.

Oh I didn't even notice -J

Yeah. I should get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow.

See ya. -J

I plug my phone in and lay down. I was just talking to Jordan Malone. The most popular boy in the 10th grade.

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