#justanotherday With Bff

53 10 18

*Standing in waiting line at food court, awaiting for the order to be ready *

BFF 1: Your skin so soft.. I would have totally married you if I were a guy.

BFF 2: 😂😂😂 Really?? Well, I like you too. Lets get to a country where homo marriage is legal, get married and then we come back to India.

BFF 1: Sounds about right. *winks and makes a tch sound.

*BFF1 involuntarily turns to look around, notices an Auntyji eavesdropping their conversation and shooting horrific glares.

*BFF2 notices Auntyji too and seductively slides her arm around BFF1's arm, making Auntyji gulp and shake her head in resentment.

*BFF1 and BFF2, both take their order and walk out of the food court, laughing their guts out.

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