chapter 2

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The mall was cold as they walked in lili shivering "cold.. " she whispered. Elizabeta nodded "it's probably the ice skating thing we're near or something" they nodded "okay hot topic first!" Elizabeta announced pulling Mathias by his arm "that store wants to be edgy so bad" Mathias groaned and Tino laughed "true..." Feliciano grabbed Ludwigs arm "Sephora! I need makeup a new highlight pallete came out!" He begged making the other male sigh "how much do you need? Just go without me." Feliciano giggled "uhm...hehe...300 dollar's would suffice" Ludwig sighed "i have 280, berwald hand me a twenty I'll pay you back." Berwald looked at him high key annoyed and dug in his pockets finding a bunch of one's "there is no way I'm letting Feliciano carry 20 ones. I'll go with him thank you" he took the ones putting them in his wallet wrapping his arm around his boyfriend escorting him to get his makeup. Lili already found her way into hot topic Tino sighing "once she's in here she never comes out" a loud giggle was heard "MelAnIe MArTiNEz"  lili said excited in the merch section. Tino smiled at her softly Elizabeta going in and checking the gay pride section even though she... wasn't gay... Berwald went to the band Tee's and belt section checking that out. Elizabeta brought about 300 dollar's for clothes because all of her shirts she disliked and her jeans fit weirdly. She saw some socks with weed leaves on them and smirked "oh hell yes." She picked them up. Berwald saw her interest in them and smirked ever so slightly "I can get 'em for you" Elizabeta smiled and shook her head "thank you but I brought money I dont need you to" berwald shrugged. Elizabeta looked around "Marco!" She heard a "polo!" From the  band Tee's seeing Mathias who looked at her strangely. "Okay. You smoke? And what is with the gay pride thing are you .....awww" he put his hands on his hips Elizabeta shook her head "nah. Not gay but you make me wish I was" Mathias put a fake offended hand on his chest and made a gasp. Lili came around the corner Tino holding alot of pink shirts and by the look of it some dresses. "He's my prince" lili kissed Tino's cheek "well princess is expensive...' he mumbled biting his lip. Lili pouted "im sorry you dont have to-" Tino shook his head kindly smiling "your happiness is worth it"  they went up to the counter to pay for their things Elizabeta only getting her socks. They walked out Tino holding lilis bags. Boyfriend abuse Elizabeta thought. They walked by a Victoria secret store Elizabeta smirking at lili who nodded "boysss let's check out this store" lili ran in Mathias shaking his head "well we had a good run. See ya" Tino walked in no problem with it along with berwald "guys! No! This is weird.." Mathias mumbled stepping in  looking at the bra's and panties. Elizabeta smirked picking up a pink velvet bra then a lace red bra "hey boys which do you prefer left pink  or right red" Tino smiled "the red one is to much lace. Velvet is in" he answered with no problems the other two ignoring the question. Elizabeta smirked along with lili searching the store for bra's to torture the guys then paying Tino buying lilis stuff as always.

They walked back out seeing feliciano with some good highlight and countor with Ludwig come up to them "there you are! We looked for you forever" he hugged Mathias who looked at the other weirdly. "We were thinking we should get some food' he smiled kissing Ludwigs cheek. Elizabeta nodded "yeah I'm hungry" Tino smirked "how about sushi?" They nodded stepping on a escalator humming. "Hey why is Tino holding a Victoria secret bag?" Feliciano asked Tino automatically blushing handing it to lili "that is the one bag I won't carry" they walked to the sushi restaurant on the second mall floor ordering California rolls Elizabeta getting with no cucumber. They sat down with their food Tino sitting down lili trying to sit on his lap "lili no. Public place"he scolded softly lili sighing sitting across from him. Elizabeta looked around humming her eyes locking on a woman a few tables away. She looked gorgeous. She had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The woman looked up making eye contact with her. 'shitshitshitshit' Elizabeta cursed herself in her mind sharply looking away from her. Mathias smirked at this noting it.

Katuysha was sitting there minding her business eating her sushi. Why was this girl staring at her? She blinked seeing the girl turn away seeming embarrassed. She was kinda cute. 'Okay this calls for a test' she thought she stood up to throw away her empty cup and dropped it. She bent down to pick it up feeling eyes on her that weren't just Mathias. That was a girl lover. She threw her cup away walking back to her booth. 'shes cute ...I can't just not see her again. I want to ask her out but she could be as straight as a- you only live once Katyusha do it...' she thought.

Elizabeta ate her sushi silently looking away that girl did not just pull the 'bend in snap' she felt like she looked like a creep. Katyusha stood up and walked to the slightly intimidating looking table. "Hello." She said sitting next to Elizabeta. Who literally died inside. Mathias's words 'welp it's been fun guys' popping in her head. She looked at Katyusha smiling "uh... hey???" Berwald looked at them counfused along with Tino Mathias sipping his Pepsi enjoying this. Feliciano was too involved in his food to notice the woman even sat down. "I saw you looking at me.." Katyusha smiled friendly Elizabeta wondering if she'd have to beat a ass if Katyusha was mad. "Your cute. Are you single?" Katyusha asked a hand on her chin. Elizabeta was freaking out inside 'i am..." Katyusha tilted her head looking at her "why are you nervous sweetie?" Tino and Mathias were wondering how a girl could be more smooth then them. "Well I have the confidence of a chicken nugget..." Elizabeta admitted "you..l-look nice..." She smiled. "What's your number?" Katuysha asked getting a pen writing on a napkin.

"That's my dirty napkin" Elizabeta said

"That's me getting impatient. Sweetie number"

Elizabeta told her, her number embarrassed lilis jaw dropped kicking Tino's leg to make sure he was seeing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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