Pt 1

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Rae dumped her bag onto her bed and switched on her computer. Today had been a drag and she needed some serious cheering up, an she knew just the person who could.
Unfortunately they weren't around in person, she only spoke to them online.
They'd met on a music discussion site just over a year ago, they'd argued over which Oasis album was best, something they still did from time to time even now.
They'd ended up talking til the early hours and it just became a routine thing. Nothing too personal though, No real names or anything like that but they would talk for hours about anything and nothing at all.
An then 6 months ago, on one of her particularly dark days she'd ended up telling them about her past, about her time in the hospital and her hurting herself.
The day after,  Rae hadn't expected to hear from them again, she'd  known that what she'd admitted the night before was some deep stuff and thought it would scare them away. Thankfully she'd been wrong, an that night they appeared online like every other night and they talked like normal. They didn't treat her differently, they didn't think she was crazy, they just accepted her for her. Every day they spoke whether it be emails or messenger, small chats or huge marathon conversations and with each passing day Rae felt herself feeling more happier and she knew it was completely down to them. She felt safe in the fact that they were friends solely on her personality, they had no interest in how she looked or how much she weighed. They just enjoyed talking to her.

She flopped down into her chair and quickly logged on to messenger hoping to see the familiar username.
A message pinged up before she had chance to even look.

BabylonWho? says: How was college?

Damons_gurl21 says: Lets just say 4pm didn't come fast enough :(

BabylonWho? says: so......not good?

Damons_gurl21 says: Nope, i'm thinking of crawling into bed for at least a week :(

BabylonWho? says: you can't do that....who would i have to talk to? :(

Damons_gurl21 says: I'm sure you'd find someone to talk to lol

BabylonWho? says: Yeah you're right, someone who knows their Oasis better;)

Damons_gurl21 says: You mean so they could teach you?

BabylonWho? says: :o

Damons_gurl21 says: lol

BabylonWho? says: I've been meaning to mention, I'm going away for a few of weeks tomorrow so I may be MIA a bit.

Rae's day just got heaps worse.

Damons_gurl21 says: :( But you can't do that....who would i have to talk to?

BabylonWho? says: Ha ha Funny, using my own words against me!!

Damons_gurl21 says: Well thats because i'm a very funny person!

BabylonWho? says: Umm.........I don't know about that?? ;)

Rae was just about to reply when she heard a light knock on her bedroom door.

It was Chloe...Shit!

"One sec" She called quickly typing 'ill be right back'
Before flipping the switch on the monitor just in time as Chloe pushed open her bedroom door.

"Hi Chlo" Rae smiled twirling her chair around to face her.

"Hey Rae" She smiled back pushing the door closed behind her.

Rae swallowed guiltily, she still hadn't told Chloe about her friend on the internet. She knew she was being childish,  but she didn't want Chloe to be part of it. Everyone they met instantly liked Chloe better, she was pretty and confident, everything Rae wasn't, she hated meeting new people so always faded into the background.  She wanted this to be just for her, someone who didn't chose Chloe over her.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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