7 - "Under Attack."

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"Oh shⓘt, here they come."
*E.J.'s POV* (Ooohh that's new)
It's nicehaving to wake up to total chaos. Pretty much every day is like this. Jeff blabbering about how he wants a cat and how he wished he would have never chased after Ben that day, Masky and hoodie "hanging out" in Hoodie's room, and Ben and Toby being the two love-birds they are. And me? Oh, I literally just stay in my room and watch romcoms all day.

Finally deciding to leave my room, I cautiously opened my door and popped my head out. It was silent. Too silent. Nobody was in the kitchen, living room, or the den.

"Guys? Where did everyone go?" I called out into the seemingly abandoned mansion.

But there was no response.
*Toby's POV*
That dumbass. If he would come out of his room more often, he would know what's going on.

Well, since you don't know what's going on either, let me explain.

Fangirls. They came so quickly, none of us were prepared. They're all over the outside of the mansion. Hiding. Waiting. Waiting for what? For us. They ended up seeing Masky and screamed, "OH MY GOD! HAVE MY BABIES! I'LL GIVE YOU CHEESECAKE IN EXCHANGE." Let's just say that Masky 'politely' declined.

And now, Ben, Hoodie, Masky, Jeff and I are all hiding in Jeff's special tree. Yes, the one that his dead bodies are in. And may I add, it's really cramped in here.

And Jack? Oh who knows what'll happen to him.
*E.J.'s POV* (again)
Seriously, where the hell did everyone go?

I wandered around the mansion for a few more minutes, until I heard it. And by it, I mean a fangirl squeal. The horrifying memories that popped into my head when I heard that sound. I immediately ran into the nearest room, which just so happened to be Jeff's room and slammed the door closed.

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.

"I-It's okay, they can't hurt you. They're just humans." I whispered to myself shakily.

"Guys! Oh my god! I just saw Eyeless Jack inside!" one of them screamed.

I am soooo fucked.

Here are my options; one, I can try to sneak out of the bathroom window, or two, I can just take off my mask and scare them away.

Ugh nevermind that last one...they're fangirls, they won't stop for anything.

Drawing in a deep breath, I stood on the toilet lid and opened the small window.

Am I really going to be able to fit through this? It doesn't matter, I'll be dead even if I stay here.

I stood on my tip-toes and pulled my top half through the window, and soon realized that I was stuck.

"Well fuck you too, window." I whispered angrily.

Great, now I'm stuck in this window, where I'll be dead no matter what way I go.

I let out an irritated sigh and gave up, accepting my fate.
*Toby's POV*
Poor Jack. Poor, poor, innocent Jack. He had so much to live for.

We all watched as Jack gave up and waved his arms around outside of the bathroom window.

Then it got really quiet.

"AAAAHHHHH! NOOOOOO! STOP!" Jack screeched out of nowhere.

And we haven't seen 'Little Jackie' since then.

We all stared at one another, listening for any nearby noises.

It was apparent that we all heard it. Footsteps from below us.

And I guess one of the fangirls spotted us, because she just started screaming, causing all of her 'friends' to come rushing over, like desperate, hungry zombies.

We all jumped out of the tree and started running. Where? Anywhere we have to if it gets us out of this mess.

I pulled Ben up onto my shoulders and looked back– to see a whole swarm of them.

"Oh shit, here they come." Ben said, his voice quivering.

I hope we make it out of this in one piece.
*End of Chapter 7*
Ayyyy, how did I do? I'm pretty proud of this I must admit. I do feel bad for Jackaboi though. But don't worry, he's an essential need in this book. ;) I actually have a chapter coming up dedicated to E.J. and...someone. I can't tell you right now otherwise it may spoil it. Anyways, I'll catch ya later!

 Anyways, I'll catch ya later!

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(You gotta love Jack.)

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