Chapter 17 - Tris

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Sunlight wakes me up. I am lying in the spare room at Evelyn's mansion, next to Tobias, who is fast asleep. It's nine o'clock in the morning; quite late for me, I'm usually an early bird. I yawn, and turn round to face Tobias. He looks younger and softer when he's asleep. His features aren't as stern and firm as they usually are. He doesn't think he's handsome at all, but to me he is. He does look like Evelyn, except from the eyes. I touch his cheek lightly, and he wakes with a start.

"Sorry!" I say quietly. He smiles at me after getting his bearings.

"That's okay," he whispers, and kisses me on the lips. I put my hands to his face and almost cradle his cheek. He strokes my hair lightly, combing it with his fingers. And we lie there for what seems like ages; kissing and kissing and kissing. He pulls away first though, just to say, "Morning." I chuckle, and get out of bed to change into a blue summer dress. Evelyn keeps lots of spare clothes for us round her house, just in case we come to stay. Plus, the weather is getting hotter - I experimented with dresses a couple of weeks ago and Tobias seemed to like them a lot, so I have worn them out a couple of times. I must admit, they do look okay on me. My legs have gained some colour and they aren't that fat.

"You look gorgeous," Tobias says when I come out of the bathroom. He is shirtless at the moment, with a pair of jeans on. He's just putting his belt on. I can see the faction tattoos on his back, curling round his neck.

I blush. "Not really," I mutter. I hate being complimented because it makes it so awkward. Tobias walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Really," he replies, looking at me intently. I roll my eyes. It's hard to keep my eyes away from his bare chest. I touch his waist, and lean in for a kiss. He touches his lips to mine and puts his hands at the small of my back, pulling me closer. I hang my arms around his neck, feeling the short stubbly hair that travels down to the top of his back. His tongue slides along my lower lip, and I moan slightly. He pulls me over to the bed and I push him down, still kissing him fiercely. He touches the lining of my dress, threatening to pull it up.

"I just got dressed," I say between kisses. "Evelyn will be up soon." He doesn't stop though, his lips touch my shoulders, just where the strap of my dress is. "Tobias," I say firmly, "please."

That makes him stop. He looks at me, cheeks red. "Got a bit carried away," he says quietly.

"Don't worry about it," I tell him. "Come on. Let's go check on Evelyn. And put a shirt on, for her sake."


Surprisingly, Evelyn has made a decent recovery. She has already rang up all of her scientists and asked them to come back to work. They file into the laboratory whilst we make breakfast. When we went into her bedroom, she was fully dressed, and busying around. Apparently she'd checked on us whilst we were asleep, and had already got breakfast too.

I have a bowl of Cornflakes for breakfast and Tobias sticks with toast and coffee. He loves the drink, whereas I think it is bitter and smells strange. We eat at the table in Evelyn's kitchen, and talk quietly about the incident yesterday.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "About Evelyn's... disorder. I'm not meaning to start an argument - just curious. As usual."

"I know, but I really couldn't," he says, looking guilty. "I'm sorry. She told me not to tell you especially."

"Why?" I say.

"Probably because she doesn't want you to see a different side of her," Tobias explains. "She thinks you like her the way she is at the moment. She doesn't care about what I think - I'm her son."

"I do like her," I say. "Although I'm not happy that she told me to shut up."

"That was rude," he agrees, but he smiles at my scornful expression. "In that moment, I kinda knew she'd flip. I think Jace had a feeling too. That's why he dodged her attack. But he still looked shocked though."

"Yeah," I say. "I never would have guessed she had a mental health issue."

"Doesn't look like it to some," Tobias says. "I wasn't surprised. Science and wealth has done it to her - she can't stand it when things don't go her way."

"Huh," I say. "Do you think we're fully Divergent, then?"

Tobias smiles. "I don't know," he says. "I don't care either."

"I used to," I say truthfully. "Not anymore."

"Me too," he agrees. I scoop the last few soggy flakes into my mouth just as Tobias finishes his coffee. "Let's go," he says. "I'll go tell Evelyn that we're leaving. She'll be fine on her own."

"Okay," I say, and he hops up the stairs to his mother.

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