Adam Star I, CHAPTER 1

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BEP! BEP! BEP! My alarm went off, at 6:15 am. my stomach felt tens. I wanted to throw up, but couldn't. I sat upon my bed, put on my glasses and, i look at my dog Zeus (he looks all fucked up with the hair on his back gone, but all he does all day is naw on it. I try to get him to stop, but it doesn't help, so after awhile I just said 'fuck it, every one needs a hobby') and say "well to day's the day" with hesitation. "Zeus Imma be real honest, I'm real fuckin nervous." Zeus sneezes and starts nawing at himself again(he makes the nastiest sound ever, snort snort snort! Chomp chomp chomp! All the damn time, seemingly none stop) quickly after after I acknowledge he lost interest I start getting dressed. I put on my favorite Tron shirt, faded black jeans, my favorite gray, black and blue striped jacket u walked into the bathroom to fix my hair. I just did the average brush everything down then swip the bangs to the right, I noticed my sleeves where down so I put them down to cover the burns
"Alright this portion of my morning is complete"I say some what sarcasticly. I go back into my room to grab my things. I check my phone for the time. "Alright 6:25, I'm making killer time" I put the phone in my front right pocket, wallet in back right, puts pencil on the top of my ear (I bet you can guess witch one) then I grab my binder and head to the kitchen, I go through the hole place in search of breakfist. The only thing I could find at the moment is some pop tarts, I really don't want them but I gave in and grabbed a pack and sat at the table. My grandmother was sitting there too drinking her coffee.
"Good morning." she said.
"Morning." I replied as I put my binder on the floor.
"You nervous?" She says as she takes a sip of her coffee, I open my disappointment in a rapper as I answer her. "Yes honestly" then I bite into the stale strawberry pastry as she says. "Well this whole thing is very new to all of us but they know what your doing, you'll be OK."
"Yeah well I hope your right, I mean half theses kids could kill me if they wanted to." I say.
"Adam you act like your powerless you, know what you're capable of. Now get the hell out of here and kick some ass." I chuckled at what she said, I've honestly never heard her talk like that, but I needed to hear it.
"OK grandma." I said with a smile on my face. I grabbed my things, and threw the other pop tart away. I check the time on my phone, it said 6:44am. The bus doesn't come till 7 AM so I have nothing to do for the next 16 or so minutes. I sit on the couch looking at different things on my phone, 5mins in I'm already done looking at my morning feed. Then my brother Joseph woke up and walks into the living room where I'm at. He's not the only sibling I have, I have a sister as well. There both younger then me. Joseph is 8 and, Opal my sister is 5. "Good morning" Joseph tells me.
"Morning." I replied, I look back at the time and it's 6:59. "Well I'm off." I say, as I stand up and put my phone in my pocket.
"OK bye, have a good first day." He says. Then I walk out of the door. I have to go to the end of the road for the bus to pick me up, it's not a far walk, about 3mins. But I've only got a few seconds till 7 and, the bus is very precise and if I don't get on the bus I don't get to go to school, so I use my "main power" and teleport to the bus stop, I don't like teleport often because I mean I have legs, my other power is super sinces and crawling on walls and stuff. But just as I got to my stop the bus gets there. I hop on and just sit in the closest seat. Now you may be thinking how does the school systems and everything work? Well it's quite simple honestly, ever since world war 2 it's been illgal to keep people with "unordary talents" separate from regulal people. Now if you want your kid in a special school you can. Also if you put your kid in public school and they have some sort of ability, it is required they take Heroics, there are other special classes that people like me can take, like for example I chose Heroes PE.
For sentrys common people have gave us different names but Angels is most used. but there's also demons, gods, devils, wear creatures, mages. Now naturally there's ranks at the top are Gods and Devils, then angles and demons, mages and, wear creatures, (witch are kinda in a league of there own.) Then there's vampires but there's very few of those, I personally only know 4 (my mom's friends husband Alexander and his 3 children, he's like 200 years old and looks 40, his stories are insane). I check my phone again, I thought I had felt it vibrate, but it's just a notification saying someone liked my post, one of my memes I think.
Then some kid sits beside me, he's obviously younger than me. "Mind if I sit here?" It almost didn't make any sense that he asked, considering he just sat down then asked, but I don't care if he sits with me. "Yeah sure." I said hoping he would just mind his own business. "So...." I guess dreams don't always come true. I put away my phone as I say. "So..?"
Then he says "what's your name?" 
"Adam Star, and what's yours?"
"Jonathan, I'm an wear creatcher, what are you?"
I hesitated to answer. "Angel" I said quickly. His eyes widened, then he said "oh wow, that's cool, what can you do?"
"I can teleport, my sinces are really high, I can climb on walls and stuff, and I wouldn't say I have super straight but I am stronger than the average man."
"Dude that's almost like a God, do you have a gardin weapon?" Then before I could ask what that is, some other comes on the bus and starts talking to Jonathan and he gets destacted and starts talking to him, and I didn't want to interrupt him. Then after about 15 more minutes of driving on this bus that I o so ever hate we finally arrive at the middle school.

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