Chapter 2

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I get off the bus and walk in the school, it's so big. I just look around clueless, everyone is walking into what I think is the gym. I look over to my left and there's a sign on the wall that says gym "OK this might not be so hard" I say to myself quietly. I walk in the short hall way going to the gym, and when I walk in there where so many people it was over walming. I didn't know where to sit but I noticed that the boys where on the right and girls on the left so I sat with my kind. I sat near the top beside some kid I thought looked cool, I take off my back pack and sit it in front of me. "Hey kid" the kid Im sitting by said in a friendly conversation starting way. "Hi"  I said in a same returning tone.
"What grade are you in?" He said
"Oh well your in the wrong section, the 7th graders sit over there" he points to the bleachers on the left of us. "Oh Ok" I look over and see that that side is full. "Do u think I could just stay here for right now..." I say. "Oh yeah I think so but when the bell rings we gotta move with our grade so when they leave just leave with them"
"Mkay, so what's your name?"
"Neo, how bout you"
"Adam, hey do you know when we get our schedules?"
"We already got them..."
the way he's talking to me makes me feel like he doesn't have much interest in the conversation where having.
"oh ok.... So ah.. what are you into?" I say hoping to kindle some kind of interest.
"Im very interested The Heroic World, and I also like anime and all that nerd shit."
"The Heroic World" I thought to myself, that's a frazes that gets tost around a lot.
"The Heroic World? That's a little bit too political for me." I say with a akward laugh
"Well I find it really cool and interesting. Did you hear about that new guy that's been coming out at night and like just full on domainating the streets?" He says with excitement in his eyes. Now when I said that The Heroic World is too political for me I really ment it. I mean it's situations like this that I'm talking about, I mean sice the civil rights act it's been illgal to take the law in your own hands. But it seems like people that are serious enough about it do it anyway. To me it seems stupid for Angles to do that anyway I mean there's a hole section of the police department for Angle police men and women, it has a name something like Special Aleat Force 77, Or something like that. "Oh yeah I think I heard about that on the news last night." I replied.
"I think what he's doing is great, bcoz of him crime rates have gone down, just in the two weeks when he got started."
"Oh wow." I said somewhat sarcasticly
"Yeah I know..." It sounded like he was going to say something after that but the bell rang, cutting him off. "Shit What the fuck am I supposed to do I don't have a schedule." I say
"ahh.. go talk to a teacher or something I guess" he says with a shrug.  I see a bald man in a suit, he's leaning against the wall. So I teleport to him.
"Hey." I said to him
"Wow! w-where did you come from?" He said with a shock
"Over there." I point at the bleachers I was at
"Oh ok?" He said with a confused look
"Where do I get my schedule?"
"You haven't gotten one yet?"
"No, I in rolled late."
"Oh wait is your name Adam Star?"
"Yes." I say somewhat nervously.
"come with me." He says walking away.
I walk with him as I think to myself, OK what the hell I feel sick to my stomach like Imma shit my pants what the fuck does he have me doing, "come with me" who the fuck says that shit with out an explanation of what where doing!? Imma die, this is it, I'm going to die at the age of 12.
We finally arrive in some office near the front of the building. An older guy in a pony tell and tiedi shirt (practically a hippie) comes up to me. "Hey Mr. Star we've gotta get your placement test in, it's just to see where your at actademically."
"Oh ok, well I guess let's get this started." I say
"Alright so if you'll just go sit over there I'll get your test ready." He points to a table with another kid sitting at it.
"Oh ok." i teleport in a chair at the table. The kid at the table didn't seem to notice me sit down, but I really didn't expect him to bcoz he has his head down on the table as if he was asleep. So I just sit there patiently wondering if this is a boy or a girl, I think a boy I mean he's where boy cloths (blue jeans, jacket with a blue design) but they've got the longest blonde hair I've ever seen for a possible dude.
Then the hippie dude comes Back with some papers.
"Alright here you go." He hands me two papers and a pincle. Then wakes the kid infront of me up, he lifts his head up slowly, painfully slow, like who takes this long to lift there head up.
"You alright there bud?" I say
"Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh...."  He said slowly.
As he lifts his head up it turns out this fucker is a man-beaver or some shit. The hippie dude lays the paper and pincle infront of him. "Well I'll be back in a few minutes so try your best. Oh by the way one is a math test and the other is a English test and just keep in mind this is just to see where your at. Have fun."
I'm still looking at this dude like, what? I mean I've seen some weird creatchers but like wow. That's it I've got to ask.
"Hey um, what exactly are you?"
"....Iiii'mmmm pppaa...."Imma die before he finishes his sentence.
".....arrtt ssslllooottthh......." He finally finishes. I'm not one to Exaggerate but it took him legit five minutes to say that.
"I'm sorry did you say your part sloth?"
"Yyyeeesss..." look I legit answered 5 questions in the time it took him to answer
"Cool man cool." He stares at me for a minute then puts his head back down. Naturally slowly.
I finish up my test just as he comes back to check on us.
"Y'all done yet?" He says super enthusiastically.
"Heh heh, I am. here." I give him the papers.
"OK. Do u need more time?" He asks the sloth dude. As he slowly rises his head from looking down at his paper.
"...Aaalllmmmooosssttt dddooonnneee..."
He says in a slow soft tone as he stares at the old hippie with some slow blinks
"OK I'll come back in a min.." I cut off his continuation to say "haha I think he'll need longer."
"Haha." He says. "I should have your test graded by then."
"OK." I say
The hippie (teacher I assume) jumps up in the air crossing his legs in mid air, and flotes away. I look at ole sloth boy over here and say "I can't even tell if he's an angle or if  he is just in touch with his inner che, haha." He keeps doing his work as he just sits there and chuckles he did this for like 20 minutes. Along side wondering how long it's Ganna take him to stop laughing I wonder when the old hippie will return?

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