Annaanananananannaannsnana I CANT THINK OF NAAAMMEMEEESSSSSS

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*EJKHSKWHKWJ* The strange spazzing lady jumped in through the window while screaming "GIMME MAH FOOKIN PAN BAKC" while Chae was busy humping it. Chae just stared at her and she stared back. She fookin just...just...flopped on the floor and dragged her body over to Chae, tryna get the pan back, but she failed miserably. Chae just karate chopped her on the head with the pan and stared at her body like "bitch dont you ever fookin tryna take ma pan away" Chae started tea bagging her while humping the pan WHILE demonically screeching. His mum came in wondering wtf was happening but she just looked at Chae's satanic ritual and she got the heck outta there. Chae was happily twerking and humping his pan while tea bagging that lady when he just started kissing the pan like it was a hooman. He was full on making out with the pan when all of a sudden that lady woke up and just said "BITCH WHAT THE FCK ARE YE DOING TO MEH PAN" and Chae just screeched which made the lady *SHE TRIED TO MAKE ME PASS AWAY BUT THEN THE BITCH SPUN AWAY* and she spun out of his house and towards the sun. Finally, Chae and his pan were alone again, Chae stared at his pan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and his pan looked at him (-ω- ). Chae started making out with his pan and made lots of "fun times" with it. After, he went onto Instagram and told everyone about his lovely experiences, which made everyone just stare at their screens and just try to process what he just said. Everyone started freaking out like "WHY THE FECK ARE YIU MAKING IUT WIT A FOOKING PAN" and Chae just stared happily at his pan and said "Dont listen to them, I still love you" and then he started making out with it again. THE END


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