Chap 1

39 2 1

(A/N Please don't judge me... My grammar is not perfect and sometimes I mistype and sometimes I incomplete the sentence or wrong spelling)

》Ashton's Pov《

I don't know how I make my best friend laugh when I try to say awkward jokes and laugh at it but she always says 'It's not the joke it's your laugh!' and it makes me don't talk ugh I hate that.

She loves playing with accent and she can hardly believe that she can do the British ones but when she tries to speak it and it's too fast I'm kinda "Whut????" always.

Carol Jean or CJ is my best friend since we were 3 and without her I'm lost and incomplete like she was my other half but I don't have feelings for her she's just my friend my one and only best friend.

She's chubby beautiful funny great and the best thing about her is having a sense of humor while me I had the greatest smile of all handsome cute and my LAUGH is the best thing in me.

She was hurt by her mom always so that's why her dad and mom split up and she lives in a broken family and she told me that I'm the one who fix her and I broke the walls that building her up and her mom finally died and she doesn't care about having a broken family.

I play drums and she plays piano violin and guitar and sometimes I play guitar.

She says I can do 10 different laughs and she always say "I can't take it anymore Ash stop!!!" But I always make her laugh and smile with my laugh and my killer smile.

I always wanted her in my life and I don't know what to do if I lost her.

We always hang out eat sleep make videos watch movies and play instruments and I like that we cuddle and giggle always.

Whenever she needs me I'm always there for her and I never hurt her and leave her.

I'm like his protective boyfriend but not I'm just a sucker for anything that she do and everytime I try to speak I always trail of and she end up cutting me off but sometimes I'm in mood and I can talk normal not blushing or being cut off.

I love every single thing about her like her laugh her smile her lips her frown her expressions and how she reacts when I'm around.

"Hey Mr. Dimples Killer Smile!" She said in a fake posh accent and it makes chuckle a bit.

"What Ms. SOH!Chubby baby mine?!!" I said and she smirk and jump on my lap.

(A/N SOH stands for SENSE OF HUMOR)

"Wanna do something crazy!" She giggles and punch my chest playfully.

"Like what?" I said seductively biting my lip and leaning down so she bends and I'm top of her.

She doesn't look good today she has paler skin today and her lips are cracking and her eyes are puffy.

"Ashton?" She whisper.

"Yeah. Why?" I mumble in the crook of her neck.

"I like you... more than just a friend!" She sighs heavily like she's not sure for what she's saying.

"No time for joking!" I trailed of and I'm doubting that I said that and I just hide it from laughing.

"I'm serious!" She scoffed.

"I Love You!" I said I don't know what to say and stop laughing.

She stared at me and I leave a quick kiss on her forehead.

She was breathing heavily and I forgot her nebulizer because she has asthma.

"Oooppss sorry gotta get your nebulizer." I said calming myself but deep inside I was panicking.

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