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Rigidly, I ease a breath slowly yet surely. It was in this kind of situation that I dreaded just because my mind was not in coordination with my body. A jumbled mess was what I described my mind to be and on the other hand, my body was sending unfamiliar signals that I had never felt before.

His arms had circled my frame causing goosebumps to crawl against my skin, the sparks didn't help every time it contacts flesh to flesh. I wanted to squirm, to wiggle out of his reach, but I couldn't. All I could feel was a total calmness that I wish to not destroy.

I could sense his breath against my neck towards the mark that he shamelessly bit into. My heart was beating so loud, not from the fear of him but the fear of what my body had turned into, mushy and untrustworthy.

"Please let go of me." My voice was hoarse as if I had been shouting which I wasn't. I did not know where this newfound courage came from but I wish to dwell on circumstances like this. 

I could feel him tensing at my words and instead of letting go, his arms tightened pulling me impossibly closer to him. He rested his face on my neck and inhaled sharply, the grip loosened slightly.

He smelt like the fresh woodsy scent in the forest and a twinge of male perfume that had me inhaling unconsciously. It was so unlike me to do that, and I could feel a blush forming.

It was like he felt my embarrassment, so he pulled away but his hands remained on either side of my arms and looked at me with a confused expression. 

I suck in a sharp breath as I stared at his blazing eyes. The color turned to a steely green like that of the forest leaves. It was breathtaking. I shook my head, what was I thinking?

"What's wrong?" His voice sent a vibrating chill towards my core, drowning me in bliss. I could only stare as his brows knitted together trying to read what was on my mind. 

I inwardly placed both my hands on his chest emitting a satisfied growl on his part. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening it, his once alight green eyes turned to a darker shade as he stared at me. He was clearly distracted by my touch.

My hands gathered all the strength I could muster and pushed as hard as I could sending him backwards as I had the most impact sending me falling on my butt. I winced when I felt a rock obliterating my precious arse. I almost cried in pain.

Seaon looked to be absolutely shocked at the exchange, unlike him, he didn't fall on his butt due to his excessive weight and his beastly coordination. Anger showed on his features as he stormed towards me but immediately halted when he saw that I was on the verge of tearing up.

Before I even know it, he had knelt beside me, his expression showing concern as he cupped my face. The tingles spread and soon the pain eases, like his touch has a soothing effect. He picked me up his arms snaked its way on my bare legs and back, carrying me like a baby. My arm effectively went around his neck, holding for dear life.

And then he turned around to what I assumed was the east and my course of action suddenly vanished when he continued the other way. It was then that I realized that it was a distraction, to avoid me from running towards my main destination.

It did not register in my mind that he was naked until I felt a poke on my back and without further a do, my face turned the shade of crimson. I squirmed slightly in his arms an overwhelming sensation hitting almost every part of my body. 

"Stop squirming, princess. You're only making it worse." He had whispered deep and husky and I froze in place.

I watched him go towards the east, I could see a flurry of clouds in different shades as the sun began to set, and I noticed that we weren't going back to that huge house I had fallen into. 

Trees passed as he started to go into a jog and I held unto him tighter, I felt in ease as I leaned into him, calmness seeping through me, and I almost closed my eyes if it weren't for the white building that caught my eye.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to get that pretty little bum of yours a check up." He stated simply and my eyes widened.


Seaon looked to be amused as his mate sat on the white bed with her expression about to piss her pants. She had been looking, calculating whether she would be safe in the room she was in and the thought almost made Seaon growl. No one was going to touch a single hair on his beloved.

His idea had initially been to actually check if she was alright because the fall had made a huge impact on her behind that it made him want to choke the rock, itself. Partially, that was the plan but as he reckon she almost went missing in his chambers so he decided that it was time to bring her somewhere safer. 

The arrangements had been set, and he couldn't be much more gladder. On the other hand, while he was busy pampering his mate, he had forgotten about the missing shewolf. There had been so much in his mind that he unconsciously let the problem stand still.

A woman about mid thirties walked in the room breaking him out of his trance. When she spotted him, she bowed before making her way towards him.

"I would like to speak to you in private, my King." Her head had been bowed, along with her was the papers. His mate's eyes darted towards the pair and Seaon looked up to meet her eyes. There was something about her that lulled him, like a mother singing a lullaby to her child.

Seaon grunted and left, the lady following behind him. Once the door was closed he crossed his arms. "Speak."

"There is nothing wrong with her bum, my liege. So you need not worry." She readjusted the glasses on her nose. "But it intrigues me how she managed to heal smoothly without a scratch when you described to me how she landed on a rock?" 

Seaon looked at her, taking in what she had just said. She continued. "And from the blood samples we got, it looks like her cells regenerates twice as fast as yours." 


how many of you guys actually enjoyed this book? i was really wondering since i worry it might not be as good as what was in my head...

and you know ghost reading is fine with me but i get lonely sometimes...

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