Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV:

I quickly disposed of the body and jumped into the river to wash off the rouges blood. I know your probably thinking "why is she killing werewolves I thought she retired." Well technically I didn't retire yet. Plus my client offered a lot of money to dispose of this certain rouge (in case you didn't know a rouge is a werewolf without a pack).

Anyway a week has passed and now I'm moving in to my new house in. Cali tomorrow. I've finished packing most of my things so the only things left are my toiletries, some clothes and of course all of my weapons, which will take a large suitcase just for the weapons.

I head home to finish washing all the blood off me and go to sleep for the night.

When I get there I can't help but be saddened by the emptiness of the house. "Probably because you've lived here for nearly two years" my inner beast, who I've named Flare buts in."I guess " I shrug and start to pack up all of my weapons except for my favourites. I put on my pyjamas and get ready for bed. When I'm ready I fall asleep thinking about how I might finally get a chance to be normal.

If only I know how wrong I was.


(Her eyes up at the top)

Thank you if you've read this far I know this chapter is really short but just let me get used to writing and get the story going this is only my first book!

Thanks for reading!

                                      Xx Amelia

Word count: 220 (I'm sorry!)

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