The Sexy Dancing Carrot Game

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  • Dedicated to All my fans


Hi my wontons!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another chapter!!!!! This chapter will be better than the LAST ONE SO THAT CALLS FOR...........Happy dance!!!!!! Okay.... Now that that's over.................. READ\VOTE\COMMENT\BUYUNICORNS

I am currently playing THE SEXY DANCING CARROT GAME!!!!! We are all dressed up in carrot suits! Share the excitment.... Woohoo (note the sarcasm.) "Come on you sexy carrots we are going on the roof and we dance until we fall asleep!" Louis says grinning wildly. Oh my... the boy has gone inzayn teehee get it. oh my.. im going crazy too. Jade looks very happy! Its very weird too..... Oh no! Saturdays the fourth of July! We have to jump out a tree tomorrow.... "You owe me Nandos Louis." Niall whines. Harry turns on the radio and does the sprinkler. I do the disco. Jade knows what that means... Okay... One... Two..... Three.... "DISCO GETS THE PARTY PUMPING!" Jade and I yell.  I spray confetti in Zayn's hair. He screams like a fan girl and goes into a turtle shape protecting his hair. A hobo runs outside and picks up a garbage can and throws it on the ground. I grab the radio, run down the stairs and into the side walk. I felt bad for the hobo and he looked like Tyler Blackburn. I grab his hands and I put on a slow song. "THIS IS FOR YOU MY HOBO FRIEND!" I yell and dance with him. When the song ends he look at me gives me his number and says "I DONT USE FAKE CHEST HAIR!" he rips his shirt open and smiles proudly. Then he does a hand stand and walks away on his hands. That was fun! I run on to the roof. Louis takes the carrot Jade had and wacked me on my eyebrow. Strange little boy.... Any way I want to prank people.......    "Guys its midnight shall we go into the strange faze people call sleep?" Louis asks tiredly. AGAIN STRANGE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Well im not complaining that you dont like carrots!" Louis pouts. Did I call THEE Louis Tomlinson a strange boy!?!? oh well. I shrugged the thought off.  "Maya? Where do you and Jade live?" Louis asks. Should I tell him my dad died and my step dad kicked me out for shaving his head and my Mom forgot her memory so she kicked me out thinking I was a murder. I live with Jade and my friend Kyle at his parents hotel. Jade ran away from abusive parents sxo we all live at his hotel. "We live at- "NO YOU WILL STAY WITHG US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" an excited louis yelled. Living. With. ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coolio! "oh and that hobo does use fake chest hair." a grumpy harry said

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