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Rain lashed against the rickety windows, making the panes of glass shudder under the force. A small lamp in the shape of a flower was the only light source in the room, shining next to the bed as Kira Yukimura tried to make sense of both the words she was reading from her textbook and also hearing exiting the mouth of Allison Argent.
"Let's go to the lacrosse game." Allison spoke matter of factly, knowing that suggesting to Kira about their evenings activity straight away would make her more likely to agree with Allison's plan that she had already formulated in her head.
"Allison, you know tonight's study night..." Kira didn't even bother to look up at Allison as her eyes danced over the pages, absorbing the words printed in the book.
"Every night is study night for you, Yuki. Live a little. Come to the lacrosse game with me. Please. Pretty please." Allison had begun to whine.
"Lacrosse games aren't my thing, Alli. You know that." Kira had become slightly panicked, a cloudy sheen forming on the plastic cover of the book, her hands starting to sweat .
"Please. I don't want to be on my own. You know that I can't stand any of those girls who pine after Scott and Isaac with heart eyes. It's never gonna happen. They need some self respect."
A smile started to take over Kira's features, her brown eyes shining,"Don't you pine after Scott?".
"Shut up. It's not the same thing!" A frown formed on Allison's otherwise perfect features.
"Whatever you say..." Kira trailed off, looking back down to her book.

Allison stared Kira down until she realised that Kira was immersed in her studying. Walking around the room Allison's fingers moved to the picture frames that sat neatly on the windowsill. Allison picked up a baby pink framed image of herself, Kira and Scott. Scott was in the middle of the picture grinning cheekily, his arms encasing Kira and Allison, hugging them to him. Another picture showed Kira and Allison laughing, looking free and young, outside of Allison's house. Allison smiled down down at the picture. She had just gotten her first car, the black paint shining. Kira had been joking about Allison finally being able to drive her around, like a chauffeur, she had said. Kira still did most of the driving for them both. She worried to much. She liked to have control. The last picture was in a white frame. Young Kira was grinning back at Allison, her black, silky hair tied in braids that went past her shoulders. Her chubby thumbs were pointing forwards as she looked towards the camera. Scott was standing beside her, his chest puffed out and his shoulders punched back as he held a medal. A sheen of sweat made his tanned skin glisten. Kira and Scott had competed in their middle school sports day, Kira's rosy cheeks were bright from over exertion. Scott looked proud as he wore his medal, looking like his usual self that Allison had grown to like and then love. Scott didn't know it yet. Sometimes Allison felt jealous that Kira and Scott had such a long history and a close bond. Kira had never shown signs of liking Scott as more than a friend, which Allison was grateful for. She was staring for so long at the pictures frames, memories rushing back to her brain, that Kira coughed a little to get her attention.
"Alli? You okay?" Kira was staring at Allison's back.
"Yeah, I'm good. You're coming to the lacrosse game tonight. I don't care what you say. Scott needs your support. I'm sure he'd appreciate his best friends there cheering him on." Allison was pleading. Kira didn't want to let her best friend down.
"Fine. You owe me, Allison Argent. If you leave me for your cheerleader friends, I'll disown you." Smiling, Kira closed her book, scooting to the end of the bed.
"Thank you!" Allison jumped up and down, too excited about going to the lacrosse game.
"Argent, I'm going to the lacrosse game with you, not donating a lung."
Allison rolled her eyes at Kira, "Shut up, you idiot. I'm just excited that you're actually coming. The last time you came to a game, you fell up the steps leading to the bleachers and dropped your popcorn all over Malia Tate and Coach. That was the best moment of my life." Allison smiled wistfully, fully taking in the memory as Kira hid her head in her hands.
"Don't remind me. I'm pretty sure Malia Tate still has a target above my head, ready to strike when I least expect it." Allison grinned trying not to laugh.
"Right, I'm going to freshen up at my place, pick me up at 7:30pm?", Allison started to leave the room turning to face Kira as her hand touched the door knob.
"I'll text you when I'm heading out." Kira shook her phone, as if showing Allison the phone would support her claim.
"Okay. I'll see you later." With that Allison breezed out of the door, the front door slamming shut creating a tone of finality. It was when Allison had left that anxiety started to creep up in Kira's chest, clouding her brain. She didn't go out after school. She went to school, saw Allison, did her homework, went to sleep and repeated it. Day in, day out. This was new for her and she didn't like it one bit. To try and calm herself she did the only thing that she was good at. Writing.

A laptop was in Kira's lap as she typed away furiously.
To you,
I didn't want to come to the game tonight, but you made me. Well you didn't make me, but you being there made me say yes. It's stupid, I know. You don't like me like that. And I shouldn't like you like that, but I can't help it if my heart starts to race when I see you. My palms start to sweat when you get too close. My voice stutters and I can't speak. But you're too nice to point it out, or maybe you don't notice. Maybe being just friends for so long has made you immune to noticing me. Or maybe you don't really care. I don't know anymore...
Yours Faithfully, your happiness

The blue glow of the screen illuminated Kira's features, her eyes looking stern as she read back her words. It was a load of rubbish, a way to vent about her feelings without exposing them. Her mouse cursor hovered over the post button as she looked at the time. Crap! It was 7:25. Without hesitating she pressed the post button and grabbed her thick, navy coat and car keys. With a quick goodbye to her parents, Kira ran through the front door. Rain cascaded down her face and hair and droplets bounced off the ground into puddles. The porch light cast large shadows behind her as she jogged to her car, making her hop in and turn the ignition on as quickly as possible to get some heat.

A/N: This is the first part of the fanfic! I hope you guys like it. Also I know signing the letter/post as your happiness is a bit weird but hopefully you'll understand later on as the story goes on. Remember to vote if you liked it and comment below if you want! - Holly x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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