Chapter 3

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WEEKS: 37-42

It was so damn hot! Miami was beautiful, but during the peak of summer we wanted to kill ourselves, it's so hot! Eva and I went out for a drink on a Saturday evening, to a lovely salsa bar. Eva got the taste for it, and we've been going every week – to be honest, I needed the distraction. After "breaking up" with my one-night stand, I was feeling a bit down.

I'm the kind of woman to focus on work first, anything else second – that has caused a strain on previous relationships, which haven't lasted long, really. Eva and I had 'broken up' for a while as well. I know I tend to be very self-centered, but I don't mean for it to hurt other people. I guess it's just some sort of defense mechanism – or at least that's what my therapist keeps telling me, and I pay her well to tell me that, would you believe...?

Eva also needed to live a little, and I was glad we had each other's company. She had been hurt after her boyfriend broke up with her out of the blue for some newer model. She had flown over the best years of her life with little to no experiences to show. She needed to get back on track, do things for herself, experience life. And I was there to ride every high and low with her.

"We're gonna grow old together" Eva grinned, clicking her glass to mine.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna be fucking old and wrinkle and single" I sighed, but smiled back at her.

"God, we're such a sad pair! I think we should start accepting Amelia's offer to being set up with her fiancée's friends."

"Ugh." I shivered and my friend laughed "Nathan has a personality of a piece of lettuce."

"Aw, you're such a poet!" Eva laughed again, and I had to chuckle.

"I'm just not ready for a relationship, I'm sorry" I shrugged, crossing my legs under the table.

"Violet, that's what you've been saying ever since we've met in college" Eva scowled at me.

"Well, I've been busy" I shrugged, and she laughed.

She quickly stopped laughing and cursed, setting her drink on the table.

"What?" I frowned and looked from over my shoulder to what her eyes had met with shock.

"Oh, fuck me..." I muttered.

There he was. The biggest man I've ever seen in my life – or maybe I just felt so small... He saw me, waved at Eva who replied with a tight smile and turned his back to keep chatting with his friends. Yep, feeling really small over here...

"Just forget about him." Eva advised, patting my hand over the table "It's been weeks, I'm sure he's over it as well."

"Clearly!" I snorted sarcastically.

"Well..." Eva sighed, shrugging "Perhaps he actually liked you."

"That helps." I sighed, rubbing my temples "Look, I'm going. I don't feel like being here anymore."

"Oh, fuck me with a sugar dick, he's coming!" Eva gasped, and I would've laughed if I wasn't too busy trying to get my purse and run.

A massive hand landed on my wrist and cautiously stopped me. I was muttering prayers under my breath, but obviously, they were fruitless. When I met a pair of steel eyes a whole foot taller than me, I swallowed hard.

"Hey, you!" Eva tossed before either of us could say a word "Long time no see!"

"Hey, Eva." He tossed, not taking his eyes off mine "Could I take your friend for a quick chat for a few?"

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