Chapter 7

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There was a lovely quietness in my bedroom, something I'd never experienced before. Jordan and I would drift back to sleep after a few minutes of talk, lovemaking or merely staring quietly into each other's eyes in the darkness of my apartment. It was very intimate, a bit scary to be honest, but it fit into the kind of relationship we were building: he would push, I would kick and curse, eventually melt into a puddle of hormones and that was it. I guess that's what people usually call compromise.

"How many tattoos do you have?" I asked him, as we both lay on our sides, me caressing his tattooed pecs, him caressing my naked back.

"I stopped counting after number... twenty-five? I think that was it" He shrugged.

"Twenty-five?!" I gasped, looking up and down at his naked chest "How can you stand the pain?"

"It's nothing." He shrugged again, but winced "Well, actually, the ones on my ribs hurt like a mother fucker."

"Ah... my poet!" We both chuckled "How about your arms?"

"Nah, was good. Ribs, back of the knee and shoulder blade. I almost cried." He winced, and I chuckled "You know... If you would let me, I would love to tattoo something really small and classy right here." He touched my shoulder blade "You would look like such a sexy badass."

"Well, if you would let me, I would put a tiny elegant tie on you" I scowled.

"Ah, touché." He chuckled, kissing the tip of my nose. "I still believe you will let me do it, one day."

"I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you" I smiled, patting his peck.

"Can't be worse than labour," He joked.

"Don't joke. I'm having nightmares about that." I trembled "Do you know that some women pee and defecate during labour? I'm not ready for that!"

"Hum." Jordan blushed "Then my advice would be not to eat for a full twenty-four hours before you deliver that baby."

"Don't be an ass." I chuckled with him "I mean, I don't feel ready for anything baby related. I haven't baby-proofed the apartment, I don't have a baby room, a crib or anything! A diaper changer or... I don't even know what they're called."

"We have close to seven months to figure every detail, down to the colours of the room, to names... Hell, we'll pick his college if that makes you happy"

"Or her college" I snorted.

"Ma'am, I'm a Marshall. We Marshalls breed males only" He played.

"Do you have any names? I mean" I quickly mumbled, embarrassed "have you thought about any baby names at all?"

"I have... given it some thought" He admitted, and rubbed his head with embarrassment.

"Oh, share!" I giggled, sitting on the bed and pulling the sheet to cover myself, "I haven't thought about anything baby related."

"Nah, you're gonna hate the names" He grunted, lying on his back and crossing his arms under his head.

"Oh, come one!" I begged "Why would I hate it?!"

"Because they're not fancy names like Violet or Benjamin" He shrugged, pouting.

"Come on, tell me!" I pouted as well, lying over his chest and batting my lashes at him "Please?"

"Alright..." He sighed, caressing my naked back "For a boy I have a couple. I like Jett, Colt and Axl."

"Oh, dear God!" I snorted into laughter.

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