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The year 2015:

This all started for her. Yuki starts high school this year. She was so nervous to make new friends and her teacher. She finds out in her junior year that everyone she trusted more that they will all leave her out. But she travels to time to change it all. She finds out that if she changed everything. She will find her dream boyfriend. Who knows what will happen to her.

POV Yuki:
Mom scream: Yuki wakes up it time for school.

Yuki: yeah.

Yuki got to dress up for school. Yuki mom did her breakfast.

Yuki: "Mom I am going to after school today."

Mom: "What are you talking about Yuki. This is your first day of school."

Yuki:" Mom stop playing around with me. I have to go to robotics today."

Mom: "Stop playing around with me. Are you going out with someone? You know you can't have a boyfriend until you go to college."

yuki: "No, I don't have a boyfriend. No one is my types."

yuki check her phone and she saw that today is 2015.

yuki mind: "what I am dreaming."

Yuki pinched herself so hard. She thought that she was going crazing.

Yuki: "Mom, how old am I."

Mom: "You are 14 years old."

yuki: " mom I am going by myself to school."

Mom: " Okay call me when you get there. If you don't I will hit you when you come home. Okay."

Yuki: " yes mother, bye."

Yuki went to the bus stopped.

YUKI MIND POV: "What, I am younger. How could it be? Isn't impossible. I promise Ambrocio that I would be talking with him more. Damn it. It was my chance to be closer to him. Why GOD!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

She was waiting for the bus to come. The bus came. Yuki saw Ambrocio right there in the bus seating down with his headphones. But until somebody holds her hand so tight. Yuki got so scary.

Jimin- "Hey, my name is Jimin. I know what you are thinking to talk to him. Also, I know you more than anyone else. "

Yuki- "What? You creepy let go of my hand. what are you saying."

Jimin- "I am not creepy. Besides, you will be the one who will look creepier than me because you are about to call his name out loud. Even though you know him he doesn't know you. You are stuck with me now as a friend. Until you meet someone you trust to keep your secret. I have an idea. Tell me how you feel about this going back as a freshman."

Yuki- " What!!! How do you know that I wake up as a freshman student than a senior? Spill it out now how do you know? I never saw you at my school."

Jimin out loud - "Okay, but not now later. Okay, cutie.

Yuki screamed - "what did you call me."

Everyone on the bus looks at them. Jimin delivers a smirk to Yuki and acts innocent. Jimin is a good-looking high school student; girls would be in heels over him for that kind of comment, and some girls would even worship his beauty. Yuki wasn't falling for him yet, and instead, Yuki is thinking about how she has repeated over the freshman year student again. She trying to recall if she saw him at school during the freshman year past dimension. 

Jimin- "ha ha ha

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Jimin- "ha ha ha...... you are so cute what they told me. For now and forever you are mine. Okay, cutie. No regret. Bye, I have a nice talk with you."

Yuki got so angry and embarrassed by what said Jimin. Jimin saw his friend he went toward them. 

Yuki was looking where Jimin was heading with his friend, and she was asking herself what type of person he was and if she could trust him at all. She asks herself why she blushes at what he says to her right now. Wandering her eyes toward Jimin and notice that he good looking. Then notice jimin was staring at her while talking with his friend. 

Yuki mind: "What the heck? He's staring at me to much. What's he doing? These are so embarrassing, and I should act casual, the bus is full of students gazing at us. I needed to be low-profile since I don't need more attention from us. What am I talking about? Should I focus on myself?"

Jimin was talking with his friend, staring at Yuki, and then starting to yell her name. All the students inside the bus were staring at Jimin. Yuki acts like she doesn't hear him at all, then Jimin walks toward where she left off on the same spot. Then he went to her ear and whispered to her.

Jimin whispered, "Yuki, come back to plant earth, and by the way, you are so beautiful that I have to come here for you."

Yuki pushed Jimin away from her and had enough of this.

Yuki: "Jimin, I'm going anywhere with you, weirdo, and getting through your head of yours."

Jimin: "Now the princess is babbled out with an act of bravery. She is vicious to me, and why are you treated awfully toward me? I only want to be adored by you, so I didn't desire you to be isolated yourself."

Jungkook, V, and Jin were walking in the direction where Jimin and Yuki were standing on the bus.

Jungkook: "What are you doing to this poor girl? I know you so well that you like her. That is why you are annoying her too much. If you treat her nicely, if not, she will be dating somebody else. Who knows, I could be me that would make her fall in love with me."

Jimin: "You wouldn't take her from me, and besides, I should call your dream girl right now. I would imply to her everything about how you're endeavoring to take Yuki away from me."

Jungkook: "No, Jimin, look, how about you think these through, and you know I wouldn't catch her at all. I just say if you stop annoying her, she will date someone else." 

When it all first began, Yuki and Jimin infatuation love began to cherish each moment. Perish these boundaries of love, and who knows? Maybe all will work out in the end. Find out more about the enigmatic Jimin and the reason Yuki doesn't remember him. It was nerve-wracking for Yuki to reminisce about who Jimin is while Jimin was speaking with Jungkook, V, and Jin. In previous universes, Yuki was a nerd with few friends. Jimin appeared to be a popular and talkative guy, so she knew she wouldn't hang around with him. 

Jimin: "Back to earth, Yuki, let go. We are here, and if we don't go, we will be late for school."

Yuki: "Sorry, I was analyzing these situations."

Jimin: "Stop talking, let go."

He held her hand. Then get off the bus and start to walk in the direction of school.

Yuki: "Where is your friend." 

Jimin: "I instructed them to go ahead without me, and they left because you didn't pay attention. I'm not going to let you go aimlessly on the bus. I think it was perfect because I get to hold your hand, and who knows, everyone will know you are mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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