Shit happens

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They say everything has a happy ending... they say everyone will find there soulmate after high school.... or even yet some say it's all fate. But to me... it's just reality. Babies are born. People die. Kids are starving in other countries. Relationships break. And another one is builded. Everything inside me feels so empty... I feel as if I'm never gonna fulfill my duty to make everyone happy. I feel like when I do things and go above and beyond people don't appreciate it. I feel as if I'm a burden to people. But now that I'm moving on... and trying to find what I'm really looking for. It's nobody's fault. But I know as soon as someone reads this there gonna hate me for leaving her. But it's not my fault or her fault. I just don't wanna date right now. Yeah sure I'm talking to this new girl... but I don't know where things will go. But I do know that I don't wanna be with you anymore maybe just friends if that's what you want but probably not. I need my life back. I need my old friends back that left because of you since you overreact. I'm sorry this happened.... I'm sorry I get depressed to the point where I just don't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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