My Funeral

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My Funeral


Once I'm gone, will people miss me?

Will they care?

When I was alive, I used to be 'annoying' as my friends called it.

My mom just called it 'unqiue.'

I know the truth.

I always knew the truth.

They didn't care about me.

Not genuinely, anyway.

They ignored my phonecalls, my texts.

They laughed at my jokes to make me feel better.


When I'm lying in a coffin, with flowers surrounding it,

Only my family dressed in black, praying,

what will my so-called-friends, do?

Will they act like they care?

Or will they just not showup?


Life's a bitch,

but fakers and liers are all bitches.

And when I die,

I don't want them coming to my funeral.


Death's peace.

No lies, no fakers.

No yelling,

or screaming.

No cursing at people who run red lights.

Noone telling you , 'It's gunna be fine. Just don't worry."

Then you end up dead.

No one telling you that your annoying or 'unique'.


Just pure



*Was that too depressing?

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