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(Meredith's pov)

I miss my sister. I saw Mason yesterday. I get to see him everyday now who knew we lived in the same state (Florida). he was so excited when he saw me he cried, that's what made me miss Michelle. The last time I saw him cry was when they took us away from her.

Mason is on his way to my house now for the first time, I can't wait to see him again. Most people would say it's only been three years but in all reality it feels like it's been forever.

I hear a knock on the door, it was mason, he hugged me so tight when I opened the door

"Mason I'm so glad you could come. Thank you mrs. Green, thank you so much" I say hugging his foster mom as she leaves

"Edith, I've missed you so much you don't even understand the pain I've been through living with them... i want to come home, please can I come stay with you" mason says looking me in the eye's

"What happened, what did they do to you" I say looking at him afraid of his answer

"The big one keeps touching me in a way she is not supposed to, the man hates me, I can't eat at the table with them I have to eat in my room" he says looking at his hands

"We need to tell our case worker she will move you out of the house with them and I'll ask Ann to adopt you" I say almost in tears

"They will beat me if Ms. Nadine talks to them about this Edith" mason says now crying

"Mason your strong, correct"

"Yes Edith I can be when it comes to you and Elle, why?" mason says as he stops crying

"You think you can make a trip to Pensacola with me" I say smiling at him

"Um yes I can, when? Why?" Mason says getting up

"Later tonight, why? To get Elle" I say grabbing my phone and running up stairs

"How am I going to sneak out tonight" mason says sitting on my bed

"You not you are just going to have to spend the night here, I'm sure it won't be a problem, I'll go home with you so we can get your stuff" I say packing some clothes in a bag, my tooth brush, my headphones, my charger, and my candy jar

"Can we bring Ann too that way they won't try anything with us" mason says looking at me as I get my car keys and go down stairs to put my bag in the car

(Ann's pov)

Mason is here to see Meredith I'm so happy they got to finally see eachother.

Meredith and mason come in my room to ask if mason could stay the night I'm ok with of course but now we have to ask his parents ughhh

"Let me put my shoes on then we can go" I say grabbing my keys and putting my shoes on

"We will be in the car" they both say running out of the door

We got to Mason's house and guys foster patents are average people I guess but there is something off about them, they seem as if they are always mad maybe it's just me.

"We would like for mason to spend the night with us this weekend and he will be back Monday since there is no school if that's ok with you" I say to Margaret

"That's totally fine with us, I think it's great you guys are getting along well and spending time with eachother" Margaret says looking at us with a big smile

"Thank you!!" Meredith says jumping up and down as she walks to Mason's room

"You're welcome" Margaret says looking at Meredith

(Mason's pov)

Meredith sat on my bed as she watched me pack for outfits and two pair of shoes, my toothbrush, my charger and that was it. We walked out of the house and got in the car with Ann she took us out for icecream and then we went home.

"Goodnight guys I'm tired already and it's only 7:30, this is what happens when you get old" Ann says walking to her room and closing the door

"Edith what time are we leaving" I whisper to Edith but when I turned around she was already asleep so I went to sleep too

(10:00 pm Meredith's pov)

I woke up at 10 but I don't remember going to sleep earlier, Mason was on the side of me asleep like a baby but I had to wake him up because it's time to go get Elle. He got up and we went to get in the car and stopped for gas and snacks then we left Miami to go to Pensacola.

We had a whole 9 hours and 22 minuets ahead of us I can't wait to see Elle I've missed her so much she is my other half and I can't believe they split us up

"So Mason how does it feel knowing we are on our way to get our sister back" I say looking at the road smiling

"Pretty FREAKING AWSOME" he says laughing with the brightest smile

(Michelle's pov)

I'm laying down in bed thinking of what happened earlier at school, I don't know what came over me it was like I was fighting for love or something i just don't know how to feel about these boys right now.

I miss Masey and Edith so much I just hope one day they come to see me or find me, I really need them right now.

"Mariah can you bring me some grapes" I yell to my foster sister across the hall

"Here you go" the little 7 year old says giving me the bag of purple grapes

"Thank you Riah" I say as she leaves my room

I slowly fall asleep eating the grapes and listening to "chained to the rhythm"

I woke up at like 11 and I saw someone sitting on my floor and another person standing by my window, my vision got clear and it was a boy at the window who looked very familiar and the girl did too

"May I help you" I say sitting up in my bed

"Elle your awake" they say rushing to hug me

"Elle? Only My...." I was so excited I was in shock I couldn't move or say anything "Edith!!! Masey!!! What are you guys doing here, I've been looking for you forever, how did you find me?"

"Remeber that phone plan we all had, I traced your location on there" masey says smiling at me

"It took me and masey forever to find eachother but we just so happened to bump into eachother at the park, he lives down the street from me. Last night I came up with this crazy idea to come find you and it all words out we are back together now" Edith says with tears in her eyes

"I'm so glad you guys came to find me and we finally got to see eachother" I say now crying happy tears

"I've missed you guys so much" masey says as we group hug with happiness in our hearts

"I need to go get cleaned up I'll be back in a little bit, I have some people you need to meet" I say getting my dry towel and some clothes and my phone texting the boys as I smile

I know some people that can relate to this book so much, this happened to my friends and it was 6 of them two of them were twins and the other one was a boy. Those three were so close even though the twins didn't get along they still loved eachother.

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