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I’ve never been that kind of girl, you know. I didn’t fall in love easily, I didn’t even want a boyfriend. I needed my friends and my family and myself, nothing more, to be happy. But now that I stand here, looking at him, I’m not so sure about myself anymore. More than the attraction towards him, I am afraid. Something just began. Something bad is about to happen. I can feel it.

The loss of my parents was just the beginning. I am certain about that. Even though no one says it out loud, I have the feeling everyone thinks all hell is about to break loose.

All the legends are true. The Greek Gods, the fantastic creatures, everything. They are preparing for something and I don’t know for what. Not even they know.

The water shimmers in the moon light. The waves hit the beach silently. This world is so beautiful. And so terrifying. I guess, beauty wouldn’t be beauty without something dangerous about it.


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