Tonys Bakery

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Alex's P.O.V.

As I sat in the bakery, I started to get a tingly feeling in my chest. I had, had this feeling before, but I wasn't sure if it was the same. I started looking around the bakery for that quiff that all Stormers recognized right away. All of a sudden a 6 foot man popped up out of the crowd.

"Alex! There you are! It is so busy in here I couldn't find you!" he exclaimed.

"Yah, I was looking for you and then I saw that quiff of yours pop up in the crowd!"I said.

"I'm gonna go get a long john,do you want me to get you anything?I can get you like a coffee or donut or something."Dan asked.

"Do they have capachinos?If not you can just get me a mocha."

...10 minutes later...

"That line was so long!They didn't have capachinos so I got you a mocha."Dan explained.

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?"I asked.

"None, it's on me.Just a little something for my 'friend'." The way he said 'friend' made me feel tingly inside, like he wanted to call me his 'girl'friend.

"Thanks!" I said a little to loud."so, do you want to go back to my place afterword?"I asked hopeingly.

"Actually, I was just headed toward the recording studio. Do you want to come with me?" He asked eagerly.

"If I must!"I joked. I was really excited, I would finally get to meet the other guys and actually hang out with them.

"Good, I have a surprise for you!!"He said a little to happily.

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