Chapter 6

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"Thank you again," I say as I pull away, "but I really think we should get down to breakfast." I finish. I pull away and yell, "RACE YOU!" then take off down the stairs. I am halfway down the stairs when I am lifted off my feet. Al throws me over his shoulder and runs down the rest of the stairs. We get to the bottom of the stairs and he spins me around. We collapse in a heap on the ground laughing. He is on top of me because of how we fell when Rhythm walks in.
"Al, get the heck off of her." Rhythm growls, "What do you think you are doing?" he asks Al.
"We were just having fun." Al says annoyed.
"Does that fun have to do with stealing my girlfriend?"
"We both know she can't be your girlfriend, and mother and father haven't even given you their blessing for a marriage." Al retorts.
"Why would you say that in front of her?" Rhythm asks.
"I already knew about it, he told me the other day." I respond for Al. Rhythm stands in silence for a few moments before walking up to me and helping me to my feet.
"I was going to tell you." he says. Just then he sees my bandaged hand. "Did Al do that to you?" Rhythm asks angrily.
"I accidentally cut my hand with some scissors and he sewed it up for me." I respond calmly.
"Do you just go to him all the time for help? I thought you loved me Wednesday, but you act like you don't trust me!" Rhythm says his voice growing with anger. "I makes me feel like you have feelings for him!" I had never seen this side of him.
"To be fair, I have feelings for her." Al says not helping the situation.
"SHUT UP!" Rhythm yells.
"Both of you knock it off!" I yell, "Rhythm, I am just going to say this and you can take it however you want to take it. I do love you, I only went to Al because I didn't want to worry you, and you know what I DO have feelings for Al to." I say.
"Wedns-" Rhythm starts a confused look on his face. I cut him off.
"I am NOT finished! I will always put you first unless my heart chooses him." I say pointing to Al, "Or if you do something that proves to me you no longer love me." I say, "There I am done."
"Wednesday, I am sorry." he says pulling me into a hug. "I am not all to offended that you have feelings for my brother, we are a lot alike, but I will do everything to win your heart from him, don't you ever worry about that." he says into my hair. He turns to Al and says, "Don't think this will be a easy victory for you, only one of us can be the winner and I don't think it will be you." he warns. Rhythm grabs my hand and pulls me into the dining room with Al following. We sit down and begin eating. Our awkward silence is broken by Generation asking what we are planning to do for the day.
"Actually I was wanting to go back to my eternity so the others don't think I abandoned them" I say. Rhythm drops his fork and Al whips his attention to me.
"What?" they say in unison.
"As long as that is alright of course, Generation."
"That is totally fine darling. After breakfast I will bring you back unless one of you boys wants to that is."
"I will." they say in unison again. They both glare at each other and bicker over who will take me back.
I finish my food and ask to be excused. Generation nods her head yes then mouths to me, "meet me in the garden." I mouth back, "ok" and get up from the table. I make my way outside but before I can make it out the door Rhythm stops me.
"Al and I agreed we are best of letting mother take you back so good bye." he kisses me but this kiss is unlike anything he has given me before. It is deep and almost desperate. He pushes me against the door and the kisses continue. Each one is deeper and more intense than the last. He wraps his arms around my back and starts tracing my spine. I put my hands in his hair and pull him closer. He stops for air and we hear someone clear their throat. Rhythm tries to cover up the noise by clearing his own throat, but I will not be fooled. He leans in to kiss me again but I dodge him and slither out of his grasp. I comb my hair with my hand and look to see who was there. Al is standing there waiting for me I am assuming. I turn to Rhythm and he is leaning with his right arm up on the door and his head resting on it. He has his free hand balled in a fist. He is obviously frustrated by the interruption. I walk up to him and kiss his cheek quick.
"See you later." I say as I walk over to Al. I give him a hug and he whispers in my ear,
"Can I have a minute alone with Rhythm before we say good bye?" he asks.
"Of course, why couldn't you silly?" I say. I walk into the living room and see Generation. "Hi Generation, what were you wanting to talk to me about?"
"Please, call me Gen, and I wanted to talk to you about my sons."
"Oh, has something happened?"
"No, but I heard your little argument and both of them have come to me asking for our blessing and for your hand in marriage. I just wanted to tell you that they are both amazing boys and that whoever you choose I will support that choice." she says. I smile and she gives me a hug. "I think you will make a great daughter in law."
"Thank you Gen, you will make a great mother in law." We pull out of our hug just as Rhythm walks in.
"Al is ready for you Wednesday." Rhythm say unhappily.
"I will meet you out in the garden Wednesday." Gen says before leaving. I walk over to Rhythm and say,
"This isn't an easy choice for me, I really do love you though, don't think I don't." I say with a sigh. I walk out into the entryway while Rhythm walks the other way.
When I get out to the entryway Al is waiting for me with a smile on his face. Without warning he sweeps me off my feet and just holds me like that. "What in eternity are you doing Al?"
"I am trying to make you laugh."
"Um, why?" I ask seriously confused.
"Earlier when I swept you off your feet you started laughing and that was the first time you had laughed since I met you and I loved the sound of it." I stare at him then roll my eyes. "Oh you think that is funny do you?"
"Well that is what you are trying to do, is it not?" I say still smiling. He laughs and I join in. As soon as I start laughing he looks at me with so much happiness. He sets me down and kisses my forehead.
"What did you need to talk with Rhythm about?" I ask curiously.
"Oh nothing for you to be worried about." he says obviously trying to ignore it. He leans down and kisses me and I have a weird feeling in my chest. I am not repulsed but something draws me into him. I don't want it to end and when it does the first thing that comes to mind is what Gen said.
"Hey your mother said something about both of you asking for her blessing." I say still so close to his lips.
"I wanted to know what she would say but when she said that Rhythm had already asked I got worried. When you obviously didn't know anything about it I asked her what she said. She told me that she was waiting for you to choose before she gave out any blessings."
"Oh, I was surprised to hear you asked."
"Why were you surprised?"
"Well we haven't known each other for very long really."
"Just because I ask for her blessing doesn't mean I can't wait awhile before I ask you, I was planning on giving it some time, but seeing as she has already told you about this I could probably do it whenever I please, that is if you choose me." he says leaning in closer with that last part. I bite my lip and he searches my eyes for answers I don't have. "Who do you love more Wednesday?" I look down at my feet and say,
"I honestly don't know, and I hate not knowing." I look back up at him expecting a hurt look but instead he had a warm smile.
"I would love to help you figure it out."
"I know you would, but I have a feeling your help would benefit you not your brother."
"Naturally." he says his smile reaching his eyes now. He lets his hands travel down the length of my torso stopping at my hips. "We can start figuring it out now if you want." he says inching ever so close. I suddenly have the urge to get away. As far away as possible from him. I look in his eyes and see something new. Hunger. Desperation. Desire. I put my hands on his chest and gently push him back. A look a pain crosses his face and sadness replaces the other feelings in his eyes. "You love him more don't you?"
"No, I don't know, but I am not ready to figure it out, not yet at least." I say. I give him a quick peck before completely releasing myself of his grasp. "I am really sorry you had to walk in on your brother and I."
"I probably deserve it from the first time we met."
"Fair point." I say knowingly. I wave goodbye and walk out into the garden. Gen is waiting for me and we head back to my eternity.

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