Stronger Together

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Uma shook her head as Harry walked out of Ursula's fish and chips. 'First date if you're lucky.' Uma thought 'He's probably said that to every girl on the Isle.' She sat the crew table waiting for them to come in. She decided to enroll herself in feelings that have been bubbling up the last couple days. It seems Lizard Jr coming back and tying to proclaim her queendom had brought Uma and her crew closer, but she had been brought closer to one member of her crew in particular.

Harry James Hook, her first mate. He has been popping up in her thoughts since fight with Mal. She let the questions bombard her mind and attempted to answer them. Why did you help him out the water when Mal was right near you? He needed help, I would've done the same for the rest of my crew. Why was he the first person you turned to to calm you down? He's my oldest friend, he knows what makes me tic and how to keep me calm. Why did you miss him when you were at the Cotillion? I missed all my crew when I was in Bore - adon. Why did you imagine him in Ben's place at the Cotillion? I just was used to him kissing my hand not the furball king. Why were you going to say our names when you shouted "the world will know my name!"? Yeah our names, AKA me and my crew. Why did you get a glowy feeling in your stomach when he slept next to you? He was warm!

"Ooooooh, she's doing that thing where she scrunches up her face. I don't know what was going on, I've just arrived. Should I be jealous love?" Harry smirked, taking her out of her trance. She watched as her crew took their places at the table.
"Shut up Hook and go turn on the TV." Uma grumbled making him laugh. As he turned it on the TV started blabbing on about Tiana and Naveen when a duo walked in. It was Scarlett, daughter of Scar and Hayden, daughter of Hades. Usually these girls were seen reeking havoc near Mal's old territory with Quinn and Freddie, steering clear of Uma and her territory but today it seems they want to chat.

"Uma, we're here to speak to you, the queen of the Isle." Scarlett started
Uma said nonchalantly "Go on."
"We are here to pledge our loyalty to you." Hayden replied
"Why?" Uma questioned as she leaned forward
"We've been thinking, after Mal got off the Isle only to betray us pissed my little group off. A lot." Scarlett growled
"And seeing you get off this prison only to come back after failing proved to us you are a true villain kid. That you aren't as easily swayed as that purple fairy." Hayden finished
"And where are the rest of your group?" Uma asked suspicious
"Getting the others." Hayden said triumphantly
"What others?" Uma said, smirking at her
"The others that want to pledge their loyalty, you've very popular among us forgotten villain kids, as we like to call ourselves." Scarlett laughed

Not long later Quinn, daughter of the Queen of Hearts and Freddie, daughter of Doctor Facillier walked in, with a lot of others. Uma only recognised a few, Ginny, daughter of Mother Gothel, Claudine, daughter of Claud Frollo, Shaun and Shannon Yu, the kids of Shan Yu. And they were all here to pledge loyalty to Uma. To fight for her. Oh yeah, this is gonna even things out a bit. As they fanned out and stood round the crew table Quinn gave Uma a list of names who were willing to support Uma in the coming times as it seems everyone knew it. Times were changing, now so do we. She looked over at Harry's face, his expression in awe of the respect they had.

Uma stood upon the crew table and looked at her followers, new and old and shouted "What's my name!"
And her followers chorused back "UMA!"
If only Mal could see the amount of respect Uma had earned. Who's shrimpy now, huh?

We pledge our loyalty to you, Uma - queen of the Isle.

Scarlett (Scar)
Quinn (Queen of Hearts)
Hayden (Hades)
Freddie (Dr Faciller)
Ginny (Mother Gothel)
Claudine (Judge Frollo)
Shannon (Shan Yu)
Shaun (Shan Yu)
Hadie (Hades)
Zevon (Yzma)
Yzla (Yzma)
Hannah (Hans)
Anthony (Anastasia Tremaine)

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