PART ONE - Roadtrip!

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"Pearlie! You ready?" Marina called from the hallway that led to Pearl's room.

"ONE SECOND I GOTTA PUT ON SHOES!" Pearl shouted back.

"Can't you just do that in the car or something?"

"Fine..." Pearl groaned as she stomped out of her room expecting Marina to say, "Oh Pearlie! You look so cute! I just wanna squish your itty bitty cheeks!" but she didn't say anything. Even though Pearl didn't like to be called cute and adorable, and she constantly told Marina to stop, she liked it. She just pouted and picked up her little handbag that hung on the chair in the kitchen.

"Now what is Pearlie grumpy about?" Marina chimed as she grabbed her small black handbag.

"Nothing..." Pearl blushed as she looked down at her feet. She sped-walked towards the door to avoid the conversation. She held the door open, and Marina smiled and patted her head as she walked past her. Pearl turned off the light and grabbed the keys before closing the door and locking it. They took the side entrance since they didn't want fans to spot them near Pearl's house. Them overly obsessed, stalker, and waifu/senpai fans won't get in now!  Pearl thought as she made sure the alarm was up and running. They walked down the small set of stairs and sat on the last one. They sat in silence for a couple of seconds until Pearl pulled out her phone out of her bag to check when their private Uber would arrive. Just five more minutes.... Pearl thought putting her phone away. Wonder if she's gonna....

"So...." Marina interrupted awkwardly, desperately trying to start a conversation. "What stores are we going to head in? Guns, Ink and Beyond? JCShelly? GameSplatt? OOOH, what about Fresh Threads!?" Marina asked excitedly. 

"I really don't care, I just want food," Pearl replied. Marina started laughing, and Pearl didn't really understand why. "Why are you laughing? It wasn't even funny..." Pearl said with a straight face.

"You're just so cute Pearlie! I couldn't help but laugh at you being hangry! You're even cuter when you're mad!" Pearl blushed and replied,

"Well... You're really cute when... when..." Pearl stuttered thinking of what to say. "OH WHO AM I KIDDING YOU'RE HOT ALL THE TIME!" Pearl blurted out, and quickly covered her mouth. Her entire face turned hot and red. She looked over to see Marina wide-eyed and blushing. The Uber pulled up and honked, startling them both. They looked over to see the Inkling driver waving while smiling. They both walked awkwardly to the car and sat far apart in the back seat.

"Seashell Shore Mall right?" The driver asked. "Oh, by the way, the name's Coral with a K. People just usually just call me Kora so I guess you can too." 

"Yeah," Marina murmured.

"You guys are way less upbeat and excited than you are on TV... Or is there something wrong? I heard someone shouting and I didn't think it was you guys..." The driver said looking back with a concerned face.

"Oh, we were just..." Marina stuttered trying to think of a lie. Pearl interrupted and finished her sentence.

"WE WERE JUST ARGUING ABOUT WHAT SHOPS WE SHOULD GO IN!" Pearl then awkwardly laughed and looked back down at her feet.

"I know what will cheer you up!" The driver said turning on Shell134FM on the radio. 

"Stay tuned 'cause next we'll be playing Off The Hook's new hit, Ebb and Flow!" the radio announcer stated excitedly. Marina looked up wide-eyed and then started to smile a bit. The song came on and Pearl started singing her part when it came up. The car started pulling out as the two girls sang harmoniously, pretending to sing into microphones. They smiled, swayed and bobbed their heads to the music. 

Once the song was over they both laughed and smiled. 

"I wonder if they'll play any of our other songs!" Pearl exclaimed hoping they would. 

"Maybe," Kora said smiling. "But, I have your songs on my phone so I could play Off The Hook, Ebb and Flow AGAIN, Muck Warfare, or Acid Hues."

"Acid Hues!" Marina exclaimed! "I love performing that song! It's so fast and upbeat!" Kora nodded and plugged in the ox cord into her phone. She hit the play button, and soon enough, the Off The Hook girls were singing once again, in harmony. As they whizzed past cars on the highway,  a lot of Inklings stared through their windows at them, in awe that they saw Pearl and Marina off of TV. Some even tried to take pictures but of course, it didn't work. Before they knew it, almost all the cars went into their lane and followed them all the way to the mall. 

Pearlina Episode One - Seashell Shore MallWhere stories live. Discover now