PART TWO: Shopping

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The girls stepped out of the car and were swarmed by like everyone in the parking lot. After tons of pictures, autographs, and attempted chases, they could finally go into the mall. Marina waved goodbye to Kora as she drove away.

"So food first?" Marina asked holding back giggles.

"Yup!" Pearl chirped back, opening the door for Marina once again. They both strolled in, and Pearl looked all around. "Woah! This place is sick! I'm sure tons of inklings from Inkopolis come here to hang!" Pearl said amazed.

"Oh, yeah! You have never been here before! Well, let's go to the 3rd level to get to the food court." Marina said. She grabbed Pearl's hand and dragged her along to the escalator.

"Can't we go in the elevator?" Pearl asked pulling out her puppy dog eyes.

"But I like escalators since if they break down, they won't fall 3 levels to the floor," Marina said, cringing at the thought.

"But escalators are so boring! They're just moving stairs!" Pearl said as she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Well, elevators are just lifting boxes!" Marina exclaimed. They both started to laugh and just decided to go up the stairs. By the end of it, Pearl was exhausted. "Why are you so tired? It was only 3 flights!" Marina said helping Pearl up the last few stairs.

"I. Hate. Stairs," Pearl panted. Marina giggled and pulled her up and dragged her over to the dining area.

"So," Marina said looking around. "What does Pearlie want for lunch?"

"Uhhhhh.... Is there a Burger King? Or a McDonald's?"

"There isn't a Burger King, but there is a McDonald's." Marina grabbed Pearl's hand once again and dragged her over to wait in line. They found a table and sat down, and ate in silence for most of their meal. Marina wiped off the last bit of crumbs around her lips and asked, "So, where are we heading first?"

"I mean, I don't really care, and I know you love Fresh Threads so I guess we could head there," Pearl replied shrugging. They decided to go down the escalator, which Pearl didn't enjoy, but soon they arrived in front of the store, seeing 4 mannequins in the display window. One had a cargo jacket with a dark green beanie, striped shirt, and ripped jeans. Pearl stared at it admiring the fresh ensemble. By the time she was out of the trance, Marina was already in the store. Pearl walked in and immediately saw something she liked. It was a white t-shirt that said CUTE BUT PHYSCO in Inklish. She snatched it off the hanger and looked at it comparing it to her torso. Marina spotted her, and Pearl quickly put it back. 

"Hey! What was that shirt you just had?" Marina asked browsing through the shelf. She picked up the same one Pearl just had. "Is this it?" Pearl sighed and nodded and Marina looked confused. "Why were you hiding it from me? It looks so cute on you!" 

Pearl blushed and replied, "I don't know... I just knew you were gonna say... Actually, it was actually kind of big, so I was just going to get a smaller size."

"Here's a small! This is your size right?" Marina asked holding up the smaller shirt.

"Yup!" Pearl chirped back. Marina draped the shirt over her shoulder along with the other shirts she had and went back to the aisle she was in before. Pearl kept looking around until she found this little cubby in the wall with a mannequin wearing Pearl's signature outfit, including the crown and the black fingerless gloves. "Hey, Mari!" Pearl called over to Marina.

 "Yeah? Coming!" She called back. She jogged over to Pearl and looked up where she was looking. 

"Hey! It's your signature outfit!" Marina said. "Wow... They designed that spot on! Wait. I don't remember signing, and agreeing with a clothing line based off of us?" Marina said, suddenly becoming suspicious. "I'm sure it isn't for sale is it?" Marina looked desperately for a tag. "Nope. Guess it's just a cool display." Marina walked away and kept looking around. Pearl knew she had to figure this out. She browsed around the area where the cubby was, looking for her outfit on the hangers, but all she found was some Off The Hook tees and sweatshirts. She went to the small register in the store to ask about their stock on the Pearl outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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Pearlina Episode One - Seashell Shore MallWhere stories live. Discover now