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The truth must come out. Just don't scream and shout.

Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Hey. You going to school today?" I sat up in my bed and yawned. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my mom. I nodded and she smiled.

"Get ready and then come downstairs. I made breakfast." I nodded again and picked up my phone as she left.

43 missed calls
Tori🌚💫(4) New Messages
Danny🙌💎(16) New Messages
Nova❤😴(7) New Messages
Brit🔥🙏(10) New Messages
Jeremiah👀(1) New Message
Jae🎶👑(5) New Messages
Naj😭💞(13) New Messages

What the hell? What's going on? I dialed Tori's number and waited for her to answer. She picked up the phone quick.

"Hey! I heard what happened. Are you okay? Coby is such a dick! Did you hear he got kicked off the football team? He probably lost his scholarship. Also I think he got expelled."

She was talking so fast that I could barely understand. "Tori. Slow. Down." She took a deep breath and started talking again.

"Okay. Coby got kicked off the football team and I think he got expelled." My eyes got wide and I got out of my bed. "Real talk?" I heard shuffling and then some screaming.

"Uh yeah. I'll call you back. Mama is tripping." I chuckled and hung up the phone. Back to school I go.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Okay but, how was it?" I stopped eating my food and looked up at Danny. "Are you stupid? You don't ask someone that after it happened!" Naj hit Danny in his head and he scolded her.

"I just wanted to know. And don't ever touch my hair again. It took me an hour to get it this perfect." I shook my head and looked over at Nova's table.

"I'll be back guys. Don't eat my fries." I pointed at Danny and he rolled his eyes. I got up from the table and walked over to Nova and Jer. I sat in between them and everyone got quiet.

"Hey. How you feeling?" I smiled and looked around the table. "I feel fine. Um, I just wanted to thank you guys again. I appreciate your help." They both smiled at me and Nova grabbed my thigh under the table. I gasped quietly and looked at him.

He smiled down at me and I cleared my throat. "Well uh, yeah. I gotta get back to my friends so, bye." I got up from the table and Nova winked at me. I quickly went back to my table.

"Well, well." I sat back in my spot and took a glance back at Nova. What was that all about?

"Guys Hoco is this Friday. What are we wearing?" Here we go with Hoco again. I'm honestly sick of it. I can't wait until it's over with.

"I still haven't decided. I can't pick which color I want to wear." Danny whined and Brit rubbed his back. Everyone knew how serious Danny was when it came to clothes.

He had to be flawless at all times or he was going to die. If you could see me right now, I would be rolling my eyes.

"Dee." I looked up blankly at Tori and everyone stopped talking. "You okay hun?" I nodded slowly. "Are you sure be-," the bell rung and I quickly got my stuff together.

I knew exactly what she was about to ask. I didn't want to talk about it. At all. I'm disgusted. With Coby and myself. I shouldn't have let my guard down. I don't even know why I went.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Get in your normal pairs. We have a lab." I looked in the seat behind me. Nova wasn't in it. I raised my hand and waited for the teacher to see me.

"Yes?" I sighed and pointed to the seat behind me. "Am I gonna have to do this alo-," Nova walked in before I could finish my sentence. I could hear the the quiet moans from the girls in the back.

He smiled at the teacher and sat in his seat. He had the whole school whipped. But not me.

"Hey, princess." I rolled my eyes. If you didn't notice, I do that a lot. "Why are you late?" He smirked. "Did you miss me?" I shook my head and then the teacher called our names.

"Today's adjective is mixing chemicals. After all this is Chemistry. Anyway, head into the lab and pick a table. I'll tell you what to do in a little." Everyone stood up and started walking to the lab.

I usually waited for everyone to go first because I didn't want to risk getting bumped into. I always went last but today, Nova went last.

~ ~ ~ ~

"You need to tell him." I shook my head. "Not until after the game. I can't distract him. He could get benched. This is the biggest game of the year. Scouts from colleges are going to be there." She clapped her hands together and pouted a little.

"You care about his future. That's so cute!" I started to walk away and I bumped into to someone. "My bad. I didn-," I looked up to see Coby in front of me.

"Hi. Princess." 

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