- 32 creases

410 29 109

to say millie was nervous would be a major understatement and injustice to the unfeigned emotions she withheld inside her mind


that would be considered the most tangible phrase to illustrate her scattered sentiment towards this overwhelmingly fresh happening.

in attempt to gather her thoughts, millie peered at the ceiling, taking note of all 32 creases inhabiting it, as she impatiently waited for the signal from iris that she was being beckoned.

quit being so nervous! there's nothing to be afraid of, pull it together

but millie couldn't resist allowing her mind the freedom to roam all the notions as to why she had the right to be so anxious

she had so much to fear

what if her speech counselor found her agitating and inadequate of being taught?

what if she failed miserably, causing the chain of events of iris and millie's family to be terribly disappointed in their incapable daughter and friend?

what if she didn't even like therapy or her counselor?

the girl sighed, her nerves completely shot, as she relinquished her acts of counting, fluttering her eyes shut gently.

her fingers twitched every few seconds, all the while she stole a few deep steady breaths, but most of them were failures, turning into shallow unsteady messes.


she felt iris' comforting hand rest on her shoulder, causing her eyes to retaliate, opening within a seconds notice. "yes?"

iris kindly offered an encouraging smile, nodding her head to the left where a nurse stood in the ajar door frame. "it's time."

millie placed her palms on the thin rails of the chair that she occupied for an hour, pushing herself onto her adidas, steadying her balance as iris patiently waited for her.

you can do this millie

iris opened her arms wide, a brief breeze hitting millie from her excited and swift movements.

millie simply gave a crooked smile, as she then stepped into her best friend's arms, wrapping her arms upwards to hold her shoulders, accepting the warm encouragement.

millie felt her chin move slightly, making millie pull back slightly to get a steady look at her lips.

"you're going to kill it mills, i know it."

the corners of her mouth peeked immediately as she brought her into another tight hug, this time millie being the one to initiate the hold. "thank you."

and millie's grateful reply went more vast than just thanking her for coming with her ;

iris has always been millie's comfort and biggest supporter, before and after the tragic events following millie's 10th year of life.

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