The Plot of Plots

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This was fanfiction- Chris's fanfiction. Also, In more than one facet. He is a star character and the writer. (Chris has been known to enjoy wearing more than one hat at a time.) He's writing part non-fiction and part fiction. The details of their relationship that were not only true -some moments that were shared and actually occurred; but also the dreamy details of what he would of liked to see play out in their interactions with each other. This was what he spent time day dreaming about, wondering if any of it could ever take place in reality. Or was it destined to forever be left to only flit around in Chris's imagination, never to come to fruition except for in his fanfiction? This thought saddened Chris. If he couldn't share his wanton desire for Darren in the real world, he would have to suffice it to be shared in this venue. It's his outlet, a way to purge himself of the desire he so wants to share. And when Chris has something mulling around in his mind he will inevitably find a creative outlet to get it out and set it free into the world. By sharing with others he hopes in return to get it unstuck from inside his own head. Chris needs this to leave his head, one way or another.
So, He writes.

Pen name: Brian Cooper

Chapter one
Title: Hey,Darren? Am I A Good Kisser?

Knock knock knock. "Chris?" Darren leans forward and closer to the window in the door to call out for Chris from outside his trailer. "Hey, it's me. I brought some snacks. Open up the door please, Chris!"

It had only been about 20 minutes since they finished filming a scene on set. Chris had gone to his trailer to do some upper body workout on the bar he had installed in there. He was known for playing around on the bar often flipping over easily to hang upside down by looping his legs over the bar to hold him up on it. He was very flexible and wanted to maintain that flexibility by stretching and playing on the bar. He could think of some other extracurricular activities that could keep him in shape and quite flexible. Activities that were much more fun with a partner, preferably a strong well toned partner, who could assist him in all sorts of different stretching techniques. But those are just thoughts. For now, he hangs on his bar and works on stretching on his own.

"Door's not locked, Darren." Chris shouts out toward the closed door Darren's standing behind. Chris allows his head and torso to drop down to where he is hanging straight down, bar supporting him from under his bent knees. He's facing out toward the closed door watching the door handle turn. It makes a click sound before being pulled open. Darren opens it only part of the way and peers through the small opening. "You want any company, Chris?" He doesn't wait for Chris to respond but continues to speak. "I brought snacks." Darren flashes a toothy grin. Holding up some bags. "some salty, some sweet."

"Are you trying to bribe your way in here, Mr. Criss?" Chris asks "should I be concerned?"

"Nope, not at all. I'm just being my normally charming, irresistible self." Darren answers.

" mmmhmmm. charming, irresistible and bearing sugary sweet and salty snacks. How can a guy say no to that?" Chris laughs

Darren takes that as an invitation to push through the door and reach over the table to place down the pretzels with chocolate and caramel dip bowls in their sealed packets. He also lays down some yogurt covered raisins and dates in a mixed bag. "See, a little bit of each of the best worlds." Looking at Chris while pointing proudly at where he placed the snack foods.

Chris only has to turn slightly from where he is hanging to see the table and its contents. " Isn't the saying 'The best of both worlds' Darren? And what about drinks? All that salt and sugar will make one really thirsty!"

"I won't supply that awful stomach destroying liquid you like so much, Chris! You know that stuff dissolves rust off of 50 year old chrome bummers, right? Plus, you have like 30 cans in your mini fridge already." Darren points to the small kitchen area.

Chris adjusts his hanging torso turning toward the right to look into the kitchen where Darren is pointing at his small refrigerator. His t-shirt succumbs to gravity and the bottom of it falls revealing his stomach and part of his chest. It takes Chris a few seconds to react. He grabs for the shirt to pull It back in place but only after catching Darren looking at him, his eyes traveling over his exposed skin. When Chris holds the shirt to cover over his torso again, he realizes he needs his hands to get himself down. Darren chuckles softly as he notices Chris' dilemma. He watches Chris struggle with a decision on how to go about getting down. Darren smirks then walks to the refrigerator opening it, still able to see Chris out of his peripheral vision with out Chris knowing he's still watching. Chris takes the opportunity to let his shirt drop, this time falling down almost to his neck, as he pulls his hands up to take hold of the bar. That movement reveals the alabaster smooth skin of Chris' side and part of his back that Darren takes notice of. Once Chris's hands are holding onto the bar he slips his legs out from over the bar and straightens them as they hit the ground. His shirt falls back over his torso as he lands and he smooths his hands down the front of it. Darren feels a bit warm in the cheeks and disappointed at loosing the view of Chris' tight skin pulled over toned muscles. He thinks he might of gotten a glimpse of a very fine happy trail from below his belly button and disappearing under the waistband of his shorts that hung low on Chris' hips.

"Well, now that you are right side up, here, I grabbed one of your awful Diet Cokes for you and some water bottles for us both." Darren spoke while making eye contact with Chris. Chris reached for just the can of coke looked back at him and thanked him. They both sat down at the table and began opening up the snacks.

"We either have a couple hours to kill before Ryan needs us back on set, or we won't be called back at all today depending on how Leah does on time. I'm hoping to get the scene done today so we can concentrate on our next scene coming up after this. How about you?"

Darren looks at Chris to see if he's on board with what Darren's saying and to see if he can read him at all. Is he feeling nervous? He wonders. Chris is obviously a very gifted actor and performer and Darren has felt, from the first time they met, fortunate to be working with him. Darren has told Interviewers he feels this way about Chris on several occasions. Chris feels the same way about Darren too and they are both comfortable openly praising each other and the other's talented attributes.

Chris responds with a nod and a smile while looking at Darren in his eyes. His eyes drift down to Darren's lips. He allows only a fleeting glance then looks back up to his eyes. He pops a pretzel in his mouth then chases it with a yogurt covered date and a swig of Diet Coke. "I'm ready to get today's scene done today too. Two hours to kill huh? I'm thinking -nap!" Chris fights back a yawn.

Chris takes a deep breath, then sighs it back out slowly. He takes a break from typing and drinks some Diet Coke. He puts the bottle back on the table and allows more memories to flood his senses. He also focuses on the desire he had felt in those moments they spent alone together. The same desires he wishes he were bold enough to act on the next time Darren visits him in his trailer. He's writing out not only a good fanfic, but his hopes for the way things could be. He stretches out his fingers over the keyboard. He's taking the liberty as the writer and embellishing. He's going to allow his wanton imagination out to play and create.

Non-Fanfiction ( Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson ) Where stories live. Discover now