The Wolf

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Redmond races through the snow his big paws making it easy, he dodges this way and that as bullets wiz by his head. His mind races as he zig zags, trying to shake them off and dodge their bullets.

  The trumpet sounds, the hunt is over, why they ended it so quickly Redmond didn't know but he was happy they did now he can go check on his husband and daughter and the rest of his pack.

   He realizes to late that he got comfortable to quickly as a bullet hits his hind quarters, the shock of the bullet knocks him over, he can hear boots in the snow, the hunter coming to get his pray, Redmond tries to get up but the pain flares as he tries, Redmond wonders when he got so weak he had been shot before and still easily got away.

  "Hey come on you'll have to leave it, one of our own got mauled by one those creatures" one of the hunters say

'Chimaeras' Redmond thinks

   Redmond lays there hoping the one coming his way listens, his heart beats heavy in his chest wondering if this is the end, but than the footsteps stop.

  "Fine but this counts on the score card" he growls going back to his horse

"Yeah yeah" the other says laughing and Redmond relaxes as he hears their horses turn and leave. His fear turns to anger that  boils in his blood as he thinks about them acting like his people are prizes.

  But he knows he doesn't have time to dwell on it he has to get back to his pack and go his little family.

  Once again he tries to move and the burning once again sores through his body, 'the bullet must have had poison on if' he thinks his mind and heart racing once more as he feels terror and sadness thinking that he will never see his little Ember or Scott again.

  He starts trying to move again but stops immediately as he hears footsteps approaching, human footsteps "has he come to finish me' Redmond thinks.

  He growls hoping they fear he has more strength in him than he actually does.

  "Calm down my furry friend" says the human, a female human, he heard that there was a human woman who had moved out into the area but he hadn't met her until now it seemed.

  "I'm not here to hurt you, but to help" she says and he watches as she sets down her traveling pack and gets out a small pack that she opens and pulls out an instrument that is Foreign to him.

  "I'm going pull out the bullet and put a solvent on it that will help with the poison.

   'So I was right' he thinks

And then I will wrap your wound and you should heal up nicely, I know many would say that telling a patient that is a wolf what your going do is stupid but I believe you have as much cognitive thought as we do, I'm just glad that I was on my way to see a patient, I guess fate meant for us both to be here on this day" she says and pulls out the bullet causing Redmond to make a low growl.

  "Ssh it's ok" she says and scratches him behind the ears which he had to admit felt good. She continued to talk about this and that, mostly about the mother and the little girl she was seeing who had a fever and an open wound and how she liked the child's mother but didn't find it appropriate to mention such a thing as she's tending to her daughter, as she put the solve on the wound and bandaged up.

  'She talks as much as Scott' Redmond thinks as the woman sits back on her feet "can you stand" she asks

  Redmond lays there a minute getting his bearing before trying to stand again and is surprised the pain was so much more tolerable and is able to get on all four feet, Redmond looks at the woman whose in simple garb her long hair in a long pig tail draped across her shoulder, dark skin dark eyes and a nice smile.

He knows he shouldn't but she helped him and he speaks out loud  to her. With a simple bow "thank you and I believe you should tell her it will enrich all your lives" he says, the woman's eyes go wide and he worries he made a mistake and she will go tell all.

   "Of course" she says and kisses him on the snout before standing up "I will think on your advice, and your secret is safe with me" she says with a wink and picks up her bag, be safe my friend and Godspeed"

  "You as well friend" Redmond says and watches the petite woman walk away before turning and going towards the people that needed him, his haunches still hurt but he could take it at a light run, and finally got to the meet up spot, he looks around and sees many had made it but by the looks of sorrow he could tell they had lost some. He's about to go talk to grieving when one of his brothers comes up to him.

  "I'm glad to see your alive brother, though I was hoping Scott, Ember, and Rea were with you they have yet to return.

  Redmond lets out a small whimper he meant to hold in, which made him  get  a pity look from those around.

   "Go find your mate and your little one and sister, I and the others can watch the village, and take my mate with you" one of his friends say and gives his brother her knowing stare.

  "She right brother and we have no time to lose with the coming storm and the chimeras out there" he says not stupid enough to fight with his wife.

   Redmond nods and looks into the distance hoping their alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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