Finally Home

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 Luke pov

"Hey love, where you at?!?!" I ask Caroline sorta yelling. "In the kitchen babe!" she answers. "Come here for a second please? I need you to meat someone." I ask. Instead of a reply she walks in. "Hey babe this is Jaydon, Jaydon this is Caroline." I introduce them.

Jaydon pov

"Hello" I said with a little wave to go along with it. "Nice to finally meat my daughter." she answered then she cam and hugs me. It was silent for a bit till of course, Luke broke the silence saying  "Well let's go to your room then go see your little brother!" "Ok" I was still super nervous "She loves you already." "Really??" I questioned. "Yes." he answers with the biggest smile ever. We walked up a couple stairs and got this door. Hmmm a camo door, Interesting.  "This is your new room Jaydon!" he says with hope in his voice while opening the door and we walk in. This room is huge!!! Its got a wood bed frame and a matching dresser and desk and camo everything else pretty much. This is awesome. "I'm guessing you like it??" he asked laughing at me a bit. Just then I realize I was just standing there like a weirdo looking around the room. "OMG yes!!!" I yell. I run up to him and give him the biggest hug ever. I've never been this happy since I was 4 with my real parents.

Luke pov

Yes!!! she likes it!! "Well shall we go see what that brother of yours is up to??" I ask. She looks up at me and nods. "Well cmon then!" we both just start laughing. Once we got to Bo's room he was playing cards. "Hey buddy cmere for a minute." He jumps up and runs to me. "Bo this is Jaydon your new big sister, Jaydon this is your little brother Bo." I introduce them. "Hi" they say at the same time then we all chuckle. "Come play cars till supper is ready Jaydon!!!please?!?!?" Bo begs. she looks ar me and I nod. They go off and play cars. I got up at started down the stairs. I hope Jaydon likes cars, lego, and army men. Oh and super hero's. "owe!!!" I run in and ask what happened. "I cut myself. Babe it hurts like a bitch!" she answers holding her hand. "Let me see love." I demand. she let's go and I look at it. "Damn!!! That looks deep. We should get that checked out!"  "Get the kids. I'll get a towel." she demands. What's with women now adays?? "Kids!! Get your butts in gear let's go!!!! Now!!" I yell. They come running down. "What's wrong Luke?!?!" Jaydon asks looks scared. "No need to be scared momma just cut herself and I think she needs stitches." I answer ans she calls down. "Ok let's go then!" She grabs Bo's hand ans we head to the truck.  Bi kept asking Jaydon what was going on but she wouldnt answer him.  I kept looking back at Jaydon and she was just looking out the window the whole time. We got to the hospital and Caroline got stitches. The doctor said she didn't 'need' them but it was safer they way.

Jaydon pov

On our way to and from Bo kept asking me what was wrong. I wouldn't answer or just tell him nothing was wrong. But it wasn't nothing. We finally got home and I ran strait up to my room. I blasted my music then cried into my pillow. I knew sooner or later Luke or Caroline or possably both would come ask what was wrong. I knew I wouldn't wanna tell them but I would because they are my parents and they deserve to know. I don't give a crap right now though. I just laid there and cried.

Changed In A Flash (Luke Bryan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz