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We where almost in the stadium then i heard someone screaming in my name,,(Y/N)!!!!"
I turned around and saw my best friend from school times, I was really surprised cause I wasn't in my home land and wtf is she doing here!!?
(Y/Bf/N),, Omg (y/n) what are you doing here lol like whhaaatt?!? And why are you over there and not in the line?"
She was really in the front of the line , Josh walked next to my and looked at my whit a confused look
,, Well ... Josh pumped in to my today and ruined my shirt and ticket for the show -'' before I could finish Josh started talking
,, Ahhmm... Well I couldn't just let this beautiful woman alone all on her own ...so I took here with me" My Bf was shook of what Josh said, I was too he thinks I'm beautiful- I thought
,,Wanna come with us?" He ask her, she nodded and a security guy took her over the thing

Time skip

I was talking with my old Bf about how life changed in this years from school to now , but then I heard someone calling my name I looked around and saw Josh on the stage, I climbed on it and asked him what does he want he didn't answer he just picked me up and laid me somehow over his shoulder I screamed,,We talking later... I guess " by that Josh started running I somehow rapped my arms around him...
He stopped on a door with his name on it he opened the door then he but me down on a couch ,, Wtf!? Was that about??"
,,I want you for my own ... so here are you just you and me" he pulled me on his lap, we looked at each other, I blushed and looked down, he put a finger to my chin and pushed it up to face him,he gently kissed me i kissed him back , my hands tucked in his hair.
The door opened and I broke the kiss a saw Tyler and my Bf standing in the doorway, the both tried to hold back a laugh
As I realised that I'm still sitting on his lap I blushed and looked down , Josh said to them sarcastically ,, How about knocking on the door before you just enter?!" ,, Sorry not sorry but she was looking for you guys, and so I thought I bring her here ''
I look at Josh , i got out of his lap and sat next to him Tyler walked now in the room I stood up and went to Tyler ,,Hi ,I'm (Y/N) " I said he hugged me and said,,Nice to meet you I'm Tyler " ,, So what now ... ehhmm what are we going to do now ?" Josh said ,, Well I would like to play the Drums so let's go on stage hmm?" I said,,wait your a drummer too ? " ,, Yeah ,and a singer too actually i'm in a Band  to in my hometown (lol i know) were only known in our hometown so yeah *I showed them 2 videos of us* ",, Your Band is called Follow the silence (that's the name of my Band in real life) " nodded, the first song is called one of the others in this I'm the drummer,the next song is called still over and in that song I'm the singer.
Josh's looked shook but he had a smile on his face I asked him,,What's wrong?",, omg you are so amazing ...like for real you can drum and sing fuck your sick as frick" I turned red like freaking TOMATO,, Thanks... I guess but I will never play the drums so good like you do haha like your on a other level of drumming " I said whit a smile. ,,Awww you tow are so cute just make out already " Tyler said sarcastically.

On stage

,, Let's make a battle, of drumming okay?" Josh said
,,Okay but I won't go easy on you" ,, ohh I wish you won't " Josh said and bit his lip
,,Okay (Y/N) we start with Heavydirtysoul so Josh starts " my BF said ,, Okay then" Josh took he's shirt of ... omg the V-line I thought he started playing and fuck he is hot-good I mean good ...
as he finished Tyjo and my Bf give him points from 0-10 ,10 was the best so Ty gave him a 7 and my Bf gave him a 8
Now it was my turn I took also my Jacket and shirts of (Guys I wasn't only in a Bra i had a Top thingy above my bra so chill) I had a bunch of tattoos that showed all over my body ...
After i finished Tyler's mouth was open .. I guess he didn't expect that and so did Josh , and my Bf was just like ,,WTF !!" ,, so what how much points do i get". Tyler said,,10!!!!" And my Bf ,,9,9" ,, Sorry Jishwa your my Best fren but that was so SIIICCKKK!" Ty said , Josh didn't said a thing he rund up to me and hugged me,, You are amazing, I later I have a surprise for you " ,, Haha thanks that cute but your still and will always be better then me " he kissed me on my cheek.

The show

The show was all most over I was confused cause they didn't play Heavydirtysoul yet after they finished with Stressed out Josh walked over to Tyler and asked him something they looked to me and Tyler nodded as he started talking to the crowd ,, So as you guys already noticed we didn't play Heavydirtysoul yet , cause someone else would be on the drums ," he pointed at me I was shook ,,- So this beautiful woman is going to play Heavydirtysoul and Tyler is singing be sure to check her band out its called Follow the silence ,, Josh finished Tyler's sentence and pulled me on stage, the crowd started screaming, I was confused cause they didn't know me, Josh hugged me and kissed me I thought the crowd was screaming loud before... no forget that now there where freaking out...
So I played Heavydirtysoul and Tyler was singing and or Rapping what ever you wanna call it...

As we finished Josh came back on stage and bowed with Tyler and my then we got off stage,
,,So that was my surprise, that was amazing thx " I wispert in Josh's ear ,, Well that was part of the surprise, the other part will come now just follow me " he gave me his hand,we walked to his dressing room and this time he locked the door, I was sitting on the couch ,Then I laid down on the couch Josh was drinking some water, as he finished I sat back up so he could sit too,,So-... I have t-ø tell you ... ammhh I never met a girl or anybody like you... I-I don't know but your really special in a good way I don't know but when I'm with you I have dose feelings I never had before and I really like this feeling... yeah we just met today and stuff I don't know i just have this feeling that I have to spent more time with you and at the same time I'd feels like I know you for years... I know that you probably don't feel the same way and yeah but anyway I just wanna let you know.." I was overwhelmed that was the cutest thing I've ever heard, I knew that something happened the first time he kissed me and I had the prove the second time he kissed me, I really really liked this guy...,, I-..I ... You couldn't describe my feelings better then that... it's just I thought it would be weird for you that I'm a fan and stuff , okay I really like the music you guys are creating but I'm not a psycho fan who stalks you .. I'm scared that something bad could happen maybe the fans don't like me or stuff like that an-" by that Josh kissed me ,, I won't let something happen to you ,okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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~Josh dun~true love  out of nowhere Where stories live. Discover now