Brain Munchers

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My story starts out just like everyone else's, normal kid, normal town, normal friends. In fact it was so painstakingly normal and boring, I was constantly wishing for a terrorist attack, or maybe a zombie apocalypse to spice things up a bit. Not that I'm crazy or anything, but a pandemic of the undead rising and gnawing on someone's flesh, causing said person to die, come back, and eventually infect the whole nation, yes please. It would be a lot better than boring old school and homework. Little did I know how wrong I was, how much I would actually yearn for those boring, uneventful days to come back.

I'd suppose I should probably introduce myself, not that it really matters nowadays anyway, sometimes I can't even remember my name, after all, it's been what? 3 months since the initial outbreak, 9 maybe? I'd lost track a while ago. I mean what's the point of keeping track when time doesn't seem to be a factor in life anymore? Time had been replaced with survival. Brute, cold, hard survival, the unforgiving universe had really screwed me over.

Where was I again? Oh yeah, my name is Thomas Peterman. Sorry, it's just been so long since I've had a stimulating interaction with anyone who was still sane enough to squeeze out anything other than a couple of moans and a growl before they tried eat the flesh off my bones. I guess I should get to it already, the day it all began I mean.

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