Chapter 2- If Black Touches Yellow

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Chapter 2- If Black Touches Yellow

That was the first time I heard it, the blood curtling scream of someone being eaten alive. 

Every student in the class room shifted their heads too look in the direction the scream had come from, the hall. Everyone stared at the wall, almost as though we could see through it. The class rep, Raule Bon or something like that, I could never remember the guys name, stood up. He cautiously walked over to the door and peered out the small window that was stuck in the door and out in to the hall.

I watched as his face turned into an expression of pure horror. His face looked so warped that it caused new lines to form on his face. Then he turned away from the door and puked.

"Ewwww," one of the girls sitting close to the door said, "What the freak man?"

Then Raule collapsed. Everyone just stopped. At this point my brain had gone from curiosity, to what in the?, to well crap. What had he seen that made him vomit, and faint? I wondered. Well only one way to figure out. I got out of my seat as someone ran over to Raule to help him. I carfully walked around Raules motionless body, as well as his bodily fluids. I slowly peered out the window, and lifted my gaze.

The first thing my brain registered was that there was a lot of blood. Anyone who had lost thatmuch definatley wouldnt have survived. Then my brain caught up with my eyes, and I saw Mrs.Jaime. It took me a minuet to figure out she wasnt moving.

She was laying on the ground face up, with a giant home in her neck. It was about fist sized, and it cut right through her wind pipe. She definely wasnt getting back up. I scaned the rest of the hall and didnt see anyone else out there, and it didnt look like anyone in the other class rooms had seen her yet. But that would make sence since the class room was at the end of the hall.

Someone behind me yelled, "What happened!?"

I started to turn around, probably with a look of horror on my face just like Raules, when something big and heavy hit the wooden door, almost nocking it off its frame. I wipped my head back around just as one of the girls in the class let out a loud scream.

Right on the other side of the small window, was something monstrous. It resembled a human, but its skin was black and look charred. But not burnt, like black flakey crystals had formed on its skin. Its eyes were glazed over with a yellow tint. The look in its eyes is something i will never forget for the rest of my life, it was one of pure hunger and insanity. Its jaw hing open like it had been broken, but I could still see the muscles moving ever so slightly. From its sharp jagged teeth, hung shreads of skin skin, covered in blood. Its face looked bony, like all of the muscle and fat had been sucked out of it. When my eyes drifted up to its scalp, i saw it had no hair, and the skin on its head was black and flakey like the skin on the rest of its body.

As I was observing it and pretty much standing there frozen in shock, it had backed up, probably so it could hit the door again. I realized it was probably only one more hit before the door would break down. So acting on instinct, I backed up and slid to the right just as it hit the door.

The door fcollapsed and fell on Raule, as well as whoever was trying to help him. I heard a scream behind me as the monster launched throught the door way and into the room. It just barely missed me by five or so inches. It landed on all its hands and feet. It landed almost like on ape. It looked at the person closest to it and lunged, aiming for the kneck and hitting its mqrk. Its target had been a loner kid who was picked on a lot.

Then, blood spouted from the kids neck and into the monsters mouth. The kid let out a horrible scream of pain and aggony as the blood was slowly drained out of him. Then the monster began chewing. Up until this point, just about everyone had been frozen, except for a coupl of girls who had started crying. Thats when the chaos started. Everyone stated jumping out of their seats and bolting fo the door.

Some people started shoving and pulling on girls hair to move them. I realixed that they were all heading strait for me, and if I didnt get out now, Id end up being stomped into the floor and trampled on.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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