Chapter 1

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Hanica, 02-08-00

If you would walk across the street, take a left at Nicola's barber shop and went straight ahead at Main Street, you could see a small shop called Paper Chase. And then, if you bought the local paper from the numb cashier, the headline of your paper would read: MISCARRIAGE AT HANICA'S HOSPITAL. The reason why you would read that news is that Hanica was a small town. Hanica's newspaper, is made by a man called Yarah. Yarah decided to put this as Hanica Weekly's headline because everyone instantly knew the woman who had the miscarriage. Mary Baker was as her last name indicates, the town's local baker. She shared the bakery with her husband Todd baker.
The bakers were very social people, they knew everyone who came to their shop, which wasn't that surprising knowing that Hanica only had a population of 225 people. Everyone who would leave their house in Hanica and walk over Main Street would know she was expecting a baby. You didn't even have to enter the bakery. She had hung up huge signs which would say: "We are expecting a new baker!". Regular costumers were extra happy for them, not only because they were curious  about the baby, but also because they would give away free cake to everyone who would congratulate them at the date of birth. But because of what happend in Room 12 would become the reason why no one had cake that day, not the day after and not in the next 10 years.

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