Episode 1

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THE COLD FEBRUARY EVENING struck me when-who was that girl again? Ok, let's just call her Rose. Why? Well it's the only pretty name I could think of. So anyway, the cold February struck me when Rose - wait what's the word (since I can't just say broke up with me since there was never an 'us')? - say rejected me. She told me that she wasn't just the girl I was looking for and that I shouldn't be wasting my time and efforts for her since she can't give back the things that I could offer. I knew I had to respect her decision since it was never for me to decide. I knew I had to let go.

So this happened in a bar where we were just supposed to hang out but I guess I got a little drunk that I just said what my mind thought and poof... Well it all wasn't so depressing that I would want to die. It was just another failed attempt to find the girl for me...or when she would find me.

Right after Rose left, a band came in, which I thought was working with the bar. I just ignored them while they were setting up the stage. When they were done, or so I thought, a girl's voice spoke on the microphone.

"Hey everybody, it's us again." The crowd cheered. So they were here before and they must be pretty good since people liked them so much. "For the first song, let us put the mood to a little bit of mellow for this cold evening." Perfect, I thought.

I was still facing my back, uninterested of what was happening behind me until I heard the most angelic voice I have ever heard in my life. I knew I had to turn around.

And when I look into your eyes
She started singing...
I see an angel in disguise
Sent from God above for me to love
To hold and ido-

Then she was just cut off. The mic stopped working. I saw the shock and shame in her face but her smile said it's going to be okay.

They fixed the mic in a few seconds and they were all up again. The crowd cheered once more and the same song's intro followed.

"Nothing can spoil us. So sing with me if you can..."

Then it crossed my mind. As the note started, my chest was tight and the glass in my hand felt heavier. It's crazy, but I was tipsy enough that I felt I could do almost anything my mind told me to.So right before the first word of the lyrics came, my feet just drifted towards the platform and grabbed the microphone and sang the words myself, fixing my eyes upon the girl who was shocked for the second time.

And as I looked into your eyes
I see and angel in disguise...

And I meant every word I sang as my heart was guided by the song's lyrics into the deepness of her sparkling eyes. Shock turned to a smile as she rode with me in the melody. We didn't plan which parts to individually sing. But it all became a soulful duet.

"CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK?" She was just about to leave the platform. She turned around and gave a boyish smirk.

"Only if you introduce me to the man with such talent?" she said.

"I suppose that would suffice. Arthur."


"Now can I buy you a-"

"Yes," she said, laughing like she was just playing a game. But that smile she had, lit up the cold night.

This was one of the nights that I didn't want to forget. So nearly drunk as I was, I decided not to order anything more alcoholic.

"So what do you want?" I asked.

"Iced tea, please."

"Make that two," I told the bartender.

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