Carms x Hana: Jealousy

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This a fluff hope you enjoy!

"Bebs im going somewhere okay?" Hana said she's getting ready to go somewhere "where are you going bebs?" Carms ask Hana "oh somewhere" "somewhere where?" as Hana getting annoyed at Carms asking that stupid question "bye bebs i'm going now" as she kisses her cheek and leave Carms pouts because she didn't answer her question instead of going somewhere she is going to follow Hana so that she will know where she's going Carms lock the door and jog to the direction where Hana cross, as she arrived she see Hana is waiting for someone and she sees Kez, Hana hugs Kez as Kez hugs back Carms look at them in jealousy as they were going to leave she followed all the way there then they stop at the restaurant it's like they're having a date, a good time with each other Carms felt sad about that so she decided to go home and cry silently as she thinks that she is cheating on her.

*While Hana and Kez*

"I'm sorry Kez i need to go home i need to see my Bebs doing i bet she's waiting for me now Bye!" Hana said as she wave goodbye at her friend.

"I'm Home!" Hana took of her shoes and walks to the living room seeing Carms fell asleep on the chouch She chuckles as she sees her girlfriend/fiance(legit😂😂)sleeping cutely she kiss her forehead then head to the kitchen "oh your already home" Carms said calmly as she yawns "Bebs i miss you" Hana said as she about to kiss Carms but Carms avoid it Hana was so shocked when did she become like this? what happened to her? Ehmergerd, "so how's your little date their with Kez is it fun?" Carms said irritatedly as she crossed her arms looking away from her girlfriend/fiance. Hana look at her worried because she is acting strange lately "are you jealous Carms? Hana ask calmly as Carms blushes madly then looks at her "W-what are you t-talking about?!?! i-im not jealous or anything! Carms puffed her cheeks then crossed her arms Hana giggles at her jealousy side "don't worry i will always love you no matter what" Hana said as she kiss her on the lips as Carms blushes madly again "Can we cuddle?" Carms ask cutely and Hana and Carms where on the couch hugging each other.

"I love you bebs"
"I love you too"


One-Shots about My Ships DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon