t w o ~ e d d i e

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I can't believe I was moving. Moving to a small town I had never heard of before. Hawkins, Indiana. My mom supposedly found out about me being in the sewers and banned me from hanging out with the losers. for the rest of my life.

What if IT comes back? What if they need me? Well I won't be seeing  Richie anytime soon. :( She said that she didn't want me to hang out with those disgusting freaks ever again. UGHHHH.

We arrive in Hawkins and all I'm thinking about is making friends. I look out the window to see an old movie theater with the words, "Nancy the slut Wheeler." Who the hell is Nancy Wheeler and why are they calling her a slut?! "Honey, don't read that sign." My mom sighs in a demanding tone. God why does she take over my life?!

     We open the door to our new house and I'm instantly bored. Don't get me wrong, the house is nice and all but.. I just miss my friends and I don't think my mom even cares. "Mom I'm boreddd." I whine. I know my mom hates when I complain about being bored, but she suggests the stupidest things to do when your bored! Like reading a book or whatever. And sure enough, that's her response.

   "Why don't you read a book, start unpacking, go outside for heavens sakes." My mom says, slightly raising her voice. The phone rings and my mom answers it. I sit down at the kitchen table and listen to her talking.

      "Hi Sonia, this is Karen." The unknown lady says to mom. "Oh Hi Karen, how are you?" My mom asks in a disturbingly cheerful voice. "Good, good. So I was wondering if you and Edward would like to come over for dinner tonight? I know Michael would just love to meet him." I shudder when my full name was used.

     "Oh me and Eddie would be delighted to join you and your family tonight. What time?" My mother asks. I decide not to listen anymore because I'm getting bored of her talking. I rest my head on the table and close my eyes.

     As my mom hangs up the phone, I lift my head up. "Who was that?" I ask curiously. Who was that lady? Who is her son? Why are we going over there for dinner? Why was my mom acting so cheerful all of a sudden?!? "That was Mrs. Wheeler. She lives across the street and she's inviting us to dinner. So be ready by 6." She says and walks up to her room to unpack. I know I've heard or seen that name before, but I can't remember where. So I stop thinking about it.

I got my boxes out of the trunk and went to my room. My room was surprisingly big, which I liked. When everything was in place. I got ready for dinner. I put on my red t-shirt with some jeans. I hear footsteps approaching my door and I jump when it's opened.

      "Honey it's time to leave." She says and walks downstairs. I notice she's wearing a nice dress.

         I walk downstairs and we head out the door. I'm kind of nervous because I don't know who this person is. My mother knocks on the door and a boy about my age answers it.

Hope you guys liked this chapter of Eddies POV, sorry it was so long, I had so many ideas and I couldn't put in the dinner scene yet.

     Love - Abby :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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