
911 31 13

--Kyle's POV--

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and put my hands on my face looking down. I was trying not to yell. I was pretty mad that Kenny just took me out the window like that.

I grabbed my pillow from my bed and shoved it in my face and screamed into it. I heard Kenny laugh a little. I finished and threw it over on the bed. I felt him scoot next to me and wrap his arm around me.

"You know you're pretty cute when you're mad." Kenny said looking at me, while I kept looking at the ground with my hands holding up my head. I lifted one hand and flipped him off.

"What are you Craig now?" Kenny said, laughing. Which made me smile, "There's that smile." Kenny said, pulling me back on the bed. I laughed a little. He got on top of me and started tickling me, which made me bust out laughing.

"K-KENNY, ST-Stop." I said, in between laughs and trying to escape from underneath him. He tickled me a couple more minutes with me still laughing and telling him to stop.

He stopped and got off me. He laid next to me. I took the pillow that I threw and hit him with it. He grinned and took my hat off and got off my bed I got up chasing him. We were basically running around my room, laughing.

I jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, and keeping my hands around his neck. He unmatched my hands but I still held on with my legs, He picked me up by my hands and put me in front of him. I still had my legs wrapped around him so we were the same height.

I had my hands on his shoulders. He put my hat on my head and tucked my hair in for me. I started blushing. He held on to my love handles, smiling. He leaned his face toward me and put his nose against mine, I started blushing more again. I couldn't take it I needed to kiss this boy. I connected our lips, he started kissing back instantly. He walked over to my bed, still making out and sat on the edge. I still had my legs wrapped around him. He had one hand on my butt and one on the back of my head. I had on hand on his waist and the other on the side of his face under his hood. I still felt the healing cuts on his face from the other day.

I loved him way too much, I pulled away so I could breathe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him he wrapped his arms around my waist and we just stayed there for a bit.

"Kenny." I whispered in his ear, still hugging.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"W-will you be my boyfriend?" I stuttered into his ear, voice cracking at the end. I was so nervous. He didn't say anything for awhile. I was getting worried but I still held onto him. He was so warm and comfortable by him.

"Yes." He said softly into my ear, sending shivers down my spine, causing me to shake a little. He held my tighter but not tight enough to hurt me. I don't know what it was about Kenny but I just always felt safe around him. I was so happy that Kenny and I were finally dating. The bad thing was that I haven't told my parents yet and I don't think it's going to end well. Just as I say my mom busts in the door. I tried to rip off of Kenny but he held onto me so I couldn't.

"KYLE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" My mom says, walking into the room and pulling me off of Kenny forcefully. She faced me toward her.

"I-I-Umm." I said, nervously shaking.

"Wait what's wrong with what he was just doing?" Kenny jumped in, getting off the bed.

"WHAT WASN'T WRONG WITH THAT?!" My mom yelled. I was shaking more. I was basically twitching like Tweek.

"What's wrong with him hugging me?" Kenny said. God he's just making this worse than it has to be.

"He had his LEGS WRAPPED AROUND YOUR WAIST! That is FUCKING GAY!" My mom yelled, making me shake at the words she yelled louder on.

"What's wrong with being gay?" I asked in a shy, shaky voice. I don't know why I said that I'm gonna end up killing myself, but when I'm around Kenny I feel brave.

"I'm okay with gay people. I just don't want my son to be GAY!" My mom said, loudly. I felt a tear go down my face. It was cold, wet and just filled with terror. I didn't say anything, I just stared at her crying and I felt Kenny looking over at me.

"I didn't mean it like that, Kyle." My mom said in the calm voice.

"You yelled at him earlier, now you're magically okay with it? It's because you realized how stupid you sounded when you yelled at him for being gay. Think before you talk, it could lead to this again." Kenny said. Which made me cry more. I turned to Kenny and hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He was rubbing my back for comfort. I heard my mom want out and slam the door.

We stood there, just of me crying. He was just trying to calm me down it worked after a while. He let go. He went over and got a tissue from my desk and wiped my face off, full of snot and tears. I started blushing.

"Are you okay, now?" Kenny asked, in a calm voice. I shook my head no. He frowned. And then picked me up and put me on his back, I wrapped my legs around the back on his waist. Then I put my arms around his neck and rested my hands on his chest. I put my head on his shoulder. I started crying again. He put his hands on mine on his chest. He opened the bedroom door. I felt him go down the stairs. I looked at the door. My mom's shoes were gone, she must've left. I put my head back in his shoulder. He crouched down by the TV and looked at the movies. He pulled out one and put it in the DVD player.

He unlocked my hands and I sat on the couch. He sat next to me. He wiped off the tears from my face with his sleeves from his hoodie. I smiled at him. He turned the TV on and the movie came up. It was the old cartoon Cinderella movie. I laughed when it came on. He turned and looked at me.

"What you don't like Cinderella?" Kenny said, laughing. I smiled and sat on Kenny's lap and leaned my head on his. I put my feet on the couch and I was just cuddled on Kenny. He put his arm around me and had his free hand on my knee. We watched Cinderella in each other's arms. I felt at that moment happy. It was a different kind of happy it was just something I would call perfect.

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