Chapter 1: Epic

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A young god, clad in lime green colored white iron armor, sprints down an obsidian hallway with his white iron long sword drawn. His younger sister trailing close behind. Several arrows tipped with light steel whizzed passed his head, cutting a few strands of his light brown hair. He extended his arm outwards, summoning a wall of lime green, transparent energy and stopping for a moment to catch their breath.
"Father really doesn't want me leaving this time, does he?" He said looking to his little sister. Their moment of temporary relief had ended when two skeletons, with their bones burnt to black, rounded the corner. These creatures are called Chars. Both of them wore no armor but carried bastard swords as their main weapon. The notably longer weapons matched with their seven foot height made these creatures petty difficult to fight. "Chars. The old man's really going all out. Cameil, go find the portal and wait there for me ok?"
"Got it!" The young child said running off. Her long, red hair trailing behind her. The young boy lowered his arm, causing the shield of magical energy fall.
"Your father isn't going to let you get away this time, my prince." One of the Chars said before charging at the young boy. The boy dogged the first thrust and parried the next slice coming in his direction. The young god slashed at the Char's legs, causing the monster to fall to the floor before the boy decapitated the darkened skeleton.
"If you wish not to die, then I recommend that you don't attack me." The boy said with a cocky smile. "That's an order. If not, my father isn't going to be happy with you." The second Char sheathed it's sword and walked away. "Thank my father Chars have little intelligence." With that the boy sprinted down the hallway and entered a room where Cameil was standing. She stood before a large obsidian ring about 10 feet in diameter. The boy conjured a ball of green fire and hurled in the center of the ring. The interior of the ring ignited with red energy.  "Ready?" He asked his sister. She nodded and together they leaped into the ring. The young boy appeared in a place with an immense amount of light. After his brilliant green eyes adjusted, he saw that he was surrounded by soldiers with tower shields and spears pointed at him.
"Who are you? Why are you here?" A man said from behind the troops.
"My name is Epic. I come from the underworld to escape from my father." The boy said.
"Who may that be?" Said the man, still obscured by the soldiers in front of Epic.
"Ignis." Is all Epic had time to say before the guards started marching towards him, causing him to take a few steps back. The portal behind Epic was vertical and would be easy to push him back through. Epic unsheathed his long sword. With one strike, the pointed heads of the spears clattered to the wooden floor of where ever they were. He then summoned a large wall of green energy, pushing the guards back a few feet. "Is this how you treat all of you guests?" Epic retorted.
"Fire!" The man said. Immediately after, arrows flew from over and between the heads of the guards still in front of him. Most of the arrows missed, and the lucky few that did hit Epic either bounced off of his armor or did no damage to the young god whatsoever.
"Isn't there a more civil way we could solve this?"
"Trying diplomacy?" The man said. "I didn't even know folk from the underworld even knew of the word!"
"LANCE!" The voice of a young girl shouted. "What in the name of Robin are you doing!?!?"
"I'm stopping a possible invasion!" The man Epic assumed was Lance responded.
"Seriously! At ease men!" The girl shouted. The soldiers in front of Epic parted and revealed a girl about 15 years old with amber colored hair and eyes the color of amethysts. She wore steel armor with some kind design or crest painted on her breast plate. She had a short sword tied to her waist and she looked very annoyed. The man behind her looking even more so. "I am so sorry for the behavior of my older brother. He can be a bit paranoid. I'm Amber!" The man behind her looked unpleased with Amber's introduction of her self. "That's my older brother, Lance." She motioned to the man behind her. Lance had sandy blonde hair that looked surprisingly well kept. To Epic's surprise, Lance was wearing white iron plate male armor decorated with an occasional stripe of yellow. His stern face and onyx brown eyes were fixated on Epic. Though his expression was neutral, Epic could feel the hate coming off of Lance like heat from a large fire. "As an apology, I will show you around our city." Amber's expression wasn't stern like Lance and she wasn't hateful. She was kind and caring. She showed genuine interest in her new guest. She lead Epic towards a stair case leading Down in to a building. At this point, Epic could see that he was at the top of a tower in the back corner of a city. The buildings in the city were made of a pale, cream colored stone that was very different from the grey stone walls that almost completely surrounded the city. Before Epic descended the stair case Lance walked up to him.
"I have my eyes on you, hell spawn. If you so much as breathe in the direction of you sword, I will be there to strike you down. This isn't my first experience with god like deities." It was clear Lance didn't want Epic here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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