Santa who?

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Rating:General AudiencesArchive Warning:Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings ApplyCategory:GenFandom:NCIS: Los AngelesCharacter:G Callen, Hetty Lange, Owen Granger, Sam Hanna, Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, Eric Beal, Nell JonesStats:Published: 2012-12-16 Words: 1757Santa Who?



A remark by Callen leads to a fulfillment of a long held wish.

Santa Who?

Callen watched everyone get ready for Christmas.

Yet again, he had to watch everyone get extra stupid. People in stores turning into raving lunatics over plastic toys that they just 'had' to have and would be broken by Boxing Day.

Kensi and Deeks walked in singing Deck the Halls and he groaned into his tea.

He rolled his eyes as Sam and Hetty joined in, although he had to admit Sam could really hold a tune. In another life, maybe he could have been a singer. He thought to himself with a Smirk.

"Come on Grinch, join in." Kensi said pulling him into their circle as they all stood around the gaudily decorated palm tree.

Callen sighed and lent against his desk.

After a few moments, he grabbed his bag and turned to go. Granger, who had been at the eggnog and was a little worse the wear, stopped him.

"You off early Callen," he asked.

"Yeah, things to do." He said.

"Yes, Mr. Callen gotta get ready for Santa." He said.

Callen looked confused. "Santa who?" He asked.

They stopped and looked at him.

"Santa Claus, Mr. Callen." Hetty said.

Callen shrugged, "Dunno him." He said and walked out oblivious to the others stares.

"How in the heck can he not know who Santa Claus is?" Deeks asked. "Everyone knows who Santa Claus is!"

"Wow!" Kensi said surprised.

As he walked in his house it occurred to him, that maybe he'd put his foot in it again, he threw his bag down, "Idiot." He said to himself.

He grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sat on the only chair in the house.

Of course, he knew who Santa Claus was. He was the guy from his childhood who came to the orphanages where he grew up.

The guy that lied.

Five-year-old Callen stood in line with the other kids waiting to see Santa.

"So who is he?" Callen asked another child.

"You tell him what you want for Christmas and he gets it for you." A small blond headed girl told him.

Callens eyes went wide. "Anything?" he asked.

The girl nodded solemnly "Last year I asked for a dolly with pigtails and I got one." She told him.

"Wow!" Callen said. He knew exactly what he wanted, the same thing he had wanted ever since he realized he was different from other kids.

He waited until it was his turn, the support worker ushered him up to Santa.

"Hi Santa, This is Callen." The support worker said with fake brightness.

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